Echoes of the Past Ch. 1

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Slowly, Jack had gotten used to that he had been sent back 20 years into the past.

But when he looked at Bobby simply, Jack was overwhelmed with grief. His brother, the one who'd been dragged into the mess.

World War 2 was still going on. The Allies were struggling to win, the Nazis looked like they would win though but they wouldn't. Jack decided he would stick within the original timeline but when Hitler tried to kill himself; Jack would stop him. That way the German leader would have no choice but to face America's fury.

Jack attempted to sigh. His back was aching but he told himself he wouldn't attach himself to any lady but Jackie and that would be when the time came. Jackie had told him during World War 2 she'd lived in New York. She'd joked he'd need if he time traveled by accident. Jack had scoffed at her.

"Yeah right," he said. "Time travel isn't even real."

She'd giggled. "You can't prove it, Jack. It might be true."

He'd kissed her after that. She'd been sitting on his lap with the children asleep while Jack stroked her hair gently.

Jack sat in guilt now, thinking about Jackie, wondering where she was, wondering what she was doing at this time.

"Jackie," he muttered, half to himself. "I miss you." Suddenly an idea popped in his head. It was risky but he needed to it.

In his memory he checked Jackie's house number back in the World War. He finally snapped and thought of it. He pulled some paper and a postcard from his closet. He tried to write in the best possible way he could since his writing was weak. But his hand was smaller, weaker, and delicate then last time. Jack cursed in frustration.

"I'm never going to finish this in time," Jack spat. He continued writing, his hand scribbling across the paper.

Jack finished about at 5 am. He snuck outside and mailed it to the address. Jack was excited. When Jackie saw the paper, she would come to him in wonder and he would more time to charm her.

His hands tightened when he thought of her body and her fiery, bright eyes. She was pretty.

Jack ended up falling asleep on the couch. He was woken up by the dog screeching. Sitting up with a gasp, Jack thought of Ethel.

Crap! I forget to send her something! Jack thought in panic. He ran to his room and grasped up some notecards. He scribbled fast, only for Bobby to burst in.

"!!!" Jack thought as Bobby rushed in. He turned to him, annoyed.

"What do you want?" Jack roared. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

Bobby cringed. He didn't expect Jack to be angry. What had happened to him, Bobby didn't know. Jack had changed when he woke up, Kick had said. He seemed scared, uncertain, terrified, and he spoke of a girl named Jackie. Jack was so terrified he didn't go back to sleep till 5 in the morning.

Jack was furious, glaring at Bobby, steaming mad. "Well?"

"Jack...who are you writing to?" was Bobby's lame reply.

Jack turned bright red. "No one! Get out!"

"You like someone; don't you?" Bobby grinned. "That Jackie you speak of."

Rage filled Jack's eyes. "Don't touch her!"

Jack seemed to calm down after Bobby reached for the door. "Wait, Bobby. Don't leave." He sounded like he wanted to cry.

"Jack?" Bobby was confused. Jack was a sobbing mess.

"Don't leave," Jack begged. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Why don't you tell Kick?" Bobby suggested. "I'm nothing to you, remember?"

"Bobby! Just listen. I think...I died..."

"What? You wouldn't be here."

"No, no that." Jack was crying openly. "Bobby, I'm from the future. I was killed. I felt it."


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