Echoes of the Past Ch.8

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Two years later, Jack's term as Congressman

Jack sat in his office, biting his lower jaw nervous for the thing that was about to happen.

It can't be that bad, he told himself, continuing to bite his jaw. It's just Nixon.

Jack had a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen but he can't figure it out. His muscles are clenched and his back is sore like hell.

Bobby knocks on the door. "Jack, he's here."

Jack feels butterflies form in his stomach. What's wrong? You can't be this nervous? The DarkSide of him taunts.

I'm not nervous, Jack hissed back, anger flaring in his soul. Just angry.

Jack closed his eyes and went down to Nixon's room. His heart was spinning and his head was thudding. His back was screeching like a fireball.

Jack knocks on his door. He's aware of Bobby standing beside him. "Good luck," his brother says. "I'm not going in there with that filth."

"Okay." Jack is satisfied. He goes in at Nixon's permission.

Nixon is seated on his desk watching something, a video, Jack muses. He looks up as Jack approaches.

Jack tries to smile but his smile is shaky and nervous. "Congressman Nixon," he says.

"Congressman Kennedy." Nixon smiles broadly. "Mind closing the door? There's something I wish to tell you."

Jack already had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He nodded and obliged. He locked the door. He noticed Nixon look around like he was nervous.

"What is it?" Jack asked.

Nixon's voice changes. It sounds older. "I know why you're here."

"What?" Jack demanded standing up slamming his palm on the table. Nixon's lips curl into a sneer.

"I know why you're here. You died, didn't you?" He laughs. Jack is furious. His jaw clenched.

"What are you talking about?" He roared.

Nixon laughs again. "Relax, Mr. President. I died too."

Jack's mouth dropped in realization. He couldn't believe it. Shock was racing up and down his body and chest.

He wasn't the only one who'd been sent back, Jack thought in shock. It looked like Nixon had been too. And Nixon was way older then he appeared.

With a feeling of dread, Jack prepared for the worst.


Cliffhanger! Omg that came to my mind about Nixon time traveling from 1994 when he died! 😂
Nixon and Jack will hate each other as always! 😚💕
Review please! 😊❤️

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