Echoes of the Past Ch. 8

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Three days later, February 10th

Jack threw his head back in frustration. "I can't believe him!"

Jackie cringed as she saw Jack's wrath. He was furious, his fists clenching and unclenching, his breath hoarse as he paced with the strength of a tiger ready to strike.

"That ***," Jack roared. "He told us we wouldn't get involved!" His eyes were red and blazing.

"What do you mean?" Jackie was curious and confused.

"He told us we wouldn't mess with the Soviet Union." Jack was seething. "I should have known! Why am I such an idiot?!"

Jackie was calm. "He knows best, Jack."

He laughed. "Yeah right! He wouldn't have led us into the war wouldn't he?"

Jackie tried to smile to reassure him. "What matters now is that we've won. Jack, Hitler won't be a problem anymore."

"I'm not worried about him." Jack was cold. "I'm worried about the fact that my sister will die."

"Kick?" Jackie shook her head. "Jack, don't let her get on that plane."

"I won't," Jack was still queasy about Hitler and what the German leader could do to them if he escaped. "I love her. She won't die. I won't allow it."

"She won't now that you're here," she smiled softly.

Jack was still seething as Jackie left the room. Ugh, I need to let my anger out on something! He thought. He punched the wall, almost bruising his hand.

Jack snarled at the pain. "I won't let anyone touch Jackie. Not even Kruschev."

The mention of the to be Soviet leader made Jack's blood boil with pure hate. He didn't like him. But Jack would meet him in 1959 since Kruschev had come to the United States. Maybe if President Eisenhower lets me I can go to Russia more earlier then expected. He smiled brightly at that.

He laughed to himself. He would be well prepared for the soviet leader. When the soviet leader tried to bully him in 1961, Jack had been savaged and scarred brutally but now he was ready. Ready for anything.

Jack had already read some history books on how brutal Kruschev was. Jack had shuddered.

They underestimated such a tiny, thought to be weak man, Jack thinks to himself. And then look what happened!

He sighs annoyed with himself. All Jack can think of is his bloody future, that's pretty much it and it's getting annoying, he thinks.

Bitterly he is also annoyed with FDR and the man's thoughts to ignore Jack's warnings. So now Jack was faced with the decision to either become president and endure what the present president had done or destroy everything.

"I don't like you," FDR had told him after Hitler's fate had been decided. "There is something that is different with you from the other soldiers."

Jack, deciding to be quiet, for once, had not said anything but as FDR continued, a bubbling anger rose in Jack's chest. He couldn't conceal his anger.

He hated him! Jack thinks now reflecting on how the President's toying of him.

All that Jack could seethe about was FDR and how he'd ignored Jack's advice.

He better not find out about that secret you're hiding, a voice in Jack's head hissed, if he does, everyone is screwed.

Jack sighed and crushed the thought.

I promise I'll change the past, he swears. With my knowledge of the past, I will change the future.

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