Echoes of the Past Ch.12

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Two years later, 1953: JFK's and JBK's wedding day

Jack couldn't believe this was happening.

He sat fiddling in the chair, waiting for Jackie to come in her stunning dress. Even though he'd seen it all those thirty years ago, he still thought she was hot.

Jackie came in, wearing the gown and everything. Jack wanted to kiss her on her soft lips.

Jack got up and went to her. She was blushing. "Oh...Jack." She breathed.

"Jackie," he responds. "Come on they're waiting for us." Jack wanted to cuddle with her afterwards.

She giggled. "Okay. Looking forward to it, bunny. I just don't understand why you invited Pat and Nixon." She was disgusted.

"Relax." Jack said. He was relaxed. In the years that had passed, Nixon had told his wife. Pat and Jackie, in result, had grown closer.

Jack thought that Nixon hated that because the woman were supposed to be political rivals.

Jackie sat beside him in the car and when no one was watching, his hand landed on her thigh. She blushed.

"Jack, not in public," she said giggling.

"Aww okay." He removed his hand. He would wait till after the wedding. He wanted a baby as soon as possible.

Jack climbed out of the limo when the car stopped. He looked back at Jackie who had the white veil over her face. She struggled to get out of the car. He helped her.

"Oh," she blushed. "Jack."

There were photographers but Jack didn't care.

They sat down and Bobby sat beside Jackie. Kathleen, the first daughter of Bobby, came over and played with her dad.

Jack and Jackie were called up to the podium. All Jack could think of was how warm Jackie's lips were.

"You may kiss the bride." Jack didn't hesitate when he heard those words. He lifted the veil up and Jackie looked into his eyes, smiling. Jack kissed her lips softly.

Their years of marriage had begun.

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