Echoes of the Past Ch. 4

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Jack woke up groggily when his alarm started to go off.

Five more minutes, Jack thinks weakly. His hand smashes the clock and it stops beeping. Jack sits up, rubbing his eyes.

He looks at the clock. It's 8:12 am. He goes to take a shower. His aching back swells up at the heat in the tub.

"Oh," Jack breathed. He relaxed the anxiety in his shoulders.

"Thank God for baths," Jack says dryly under his breath. He closes his eyes.

Jack grumbled in pain as he got up from the tub. He dressed quickly and ate some crackers. After brushing his teeth, Jack prepared to meet Jackie.

He went out the door, using the directions. From what Jackie had told him, that on this day, she had lived with her mother back in the early 1940's. What would make it awkward was that Jackie was a teen, not an adult. He blushed at that.

Jack found her door. He decided to stay some yards away until she came out. But that would make him look stupid.

It doesn't matter if I look foolish, Jack told himself. I want Jackie.

Several minutes later, a young teenager came out. Jack spotted her instantly.

Jackie, he thought.

Even as a 14 year old, she was pretty. She held the stunning grace that she held in Dallas. With that pink suit.

Jack cringed, his muscles tensing as he thought of the blood splattering across the suit. My blood, he thought weakly, feeling like he'd throw up.

Jack got the courage to face her. He went up to her.

Jackie was so started when she turned to look at him. Her eyes widened. At first it was an innocent stare but then she realized who it was. Her eyes narrowed.

"You!" She exclaimed. "You're're him..."

"I'm not going to hurt you," Jack said. "I jus want to talk."

"Do you really think I'll believe you?" Jackie demanded. "Because I don't."

"Jackie, please." He begged cupping her head up and making her look into his eyes. "I love you."

"Don't try to charm me, Kennedy." Jackie responded. "I don't know you but I've heard you. What do you see in me?"

"You're my wife," he begged. "Please believe me."

Jackie tsked. "Have any proof?"

"I told you on that card. I know your future. It would be wise to stop smoking."

Her eyes narrow. "I'm not smoking. Yet," she adds. "But thanks for the tip."

He stared at her. His eyes are pleading.

Jackie sighed. "Come inside. But don't try anything foolish." She doesn't want to sleep with me, Jack thinks. Well for now anyway.

Jackie led him inside. Jack's eyes were fixed on her beauty and nothing else. He pushed her against the wall and she stared at him with wide eyes.

"You're beautiful," he smiled softly kissing her lips. Surprisingly she kissed him back.

"What's your name?" She blushed pink. "It's John, isn't it?"

"Call me Jack." He stroked her hair. "Or Bunny, what you called me in my past life. In return I will call you Jackie, or Kid."

She giggled. "I like that."

She was already falling for him, Jack thought feeling giddy and happy. Jack breathed against her cheek.

I love you, Jackie, he thought fiercely, making sure his grip isn't too tight. I'll protect you even after my death and after.

Jack left at midnight when Jackie was tired and she went to bed. He headed to his hotel room.

He fell asleep on the bed, snoring instantly and passing out. His chest heaved as he slept.

All he could think of was Jackie and his perfect future now that he warned her.

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