Echoes of the Past Ch. 6

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Two years later, January 1945

A soldier wearing ragged boots and ripped camo jeans shouted, "Incoming!"

Jack swiftly crouched into a good position and the bullets firing flew above them.

The now 26 year old Kennedy swallowed the dry lump in his throat as the bullets passed over him. His back was jarred up and his muscles were screaming in pure agony. He couldn't think straight.

"Are they gone?" Jack called out to his soldier who was standing guard. The soldier nodded and Jack stood up, despite his aching back.

"Okay. To the building," Jack ordered them stiffly.

Jack needed the soldiers to hurry. In just a few minutes, the coward of a German leader would surrender and the Allies would think it was all for nothing. When Jack had asked FDR, the president had allowed him to take troops in to capture the German leader. Jack would be rewarded, the president told him. But he didn't know how yet anyway.

Jack paced ahead of them, his gun on his belt. Right now all he could think of was Jackie and Hitler. He loved Jackie but hated Hitler. In the two years that had passed, she was now sixteen. And he was 28, with his youth of course. They'd fallen for each other much to their family's dislike.

Joe did not like Jackie, and in return Jackie did not like him. The only ones that seemed to get along was Bobby and Jackie. They grew closer as they realized what had happened after Jack had died. That had only been the only thing that drew them both together.

Jackie also got along with Kick. He knew it would be many years before the family accepted her. That was what had happened in the original timeline.

Original timeline, he cringed at the thought. Imagine that, we wouldn't have met till 1953.

One of the soldiers spoke up. "We must get inside quickly if we are to capture the German leader."

Jack nodded; but he was still in his thoughts as he ran. He thought of John and Caroline.

We'll have more children, he thought smiling at the thought. I promise that, Jackie.

As they entered the bunkers, Jack's nose wrinkled in disgust. The smell burned flesh was in the air. Dead bodies littered the compound and Jack could feel the spark of the dead in his mind. He glanced down when his hand touched something wet and squishy. It was a body laying on the floor; a bullet in its chest and in its head. Jack's stomach lurched, thinking of Jackie and his death. Lunch must stay down, Jack thinks weakly to himself.

Jack managed to not vomit the remains of his lunch as they walked through the bunker, trying to find the man that had started everything.

The men gave up staying together and split up. Jack thought this was risky. What if the Germans caught them?

It won't matter, at least you met Jackie, a soft voice in his head snickered. Jack growled angrily and pushed the thought away.

He rounded a corner, his boots hitting the pavement of the bunker. He could smell the dense fear in the air. His ears suddenly caught voices. Smirking, Jack moved quickly and opened the door.

A man and a woman sat there, holding pills in their mouth. Jack was quick. He brought up the gun; firing at the man's arm. The woman, scared, tried to run. Jack blocked her path.

"Don't try to run or I'll shoot you," Jack hissed in that husky voice that drew woman in. She stared at him.

Jack stared at the man. He was pleased. FDR would reward him.

Because the man he had just knocked out was Adolf Hitler.


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