Echoes of the Past: Ch.22

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Three years later, the 1960 campaign

Jack sat, lounging in the chair of his bedroom. Jackie was four months pregnant with John. Caroline was two years old. She'd learned to walk, talk, and eat. She was outside with Kenny.

Jack was pacing. So far, Nixon had kept his promise of backing off. Jack just had one more person to deal with.

Lyndon Baines Johnson, his to be Vice President.

Jack didn't feel like sending Bobby. Bobby already hated Lyndon earlier then he was supposed to. Jack sighed, annoyed with Bobby for once.

I've toughened him up, it won't be that bad, Jack thinks to himself. He stands up and goes to find his brother.

Bobby is eating lunch, a sandwich. "Bobby," Jack says urgently.

"Jack?" Bobby finishes his food and looks up. "What is it?"

"It's Johnson," Jack replied. Bobby's eyes instantly fill with hate. "I need you to talk to him."

"What? Why me? I thought you said I hate him!"

"I need you to do this," Jack said, ignoring him. "Please, Bobby. I know you hate him. Just do it. He's meant to be my VP."

Bobby obliged. He had no choice.


Bobby wiped the Texas sweat off his face and headed to Lyndon's ranch. The sun was in his face as he went.

It was hot, Bobby thought, shaking his head. The hottest he'd felt in years.

He was seething. He didn't want to do this. He hated Lyndon. The stories Jack had told him were hunkered up in his head. He stopped and sighed. He raised his fist and knocked.

As Jack had told him, Lady Bird Johnson opened the door. She was wearing a pleated shirt with some shorts. "Oh...." She looked at Bobby with a smile. "Mr. Kennedy."

"Mrs. Johnson." Bobby dipped his head slightly. "I came to speak-"

She lowered her voice. "With Lyndon? He's hunting outside. Turn to your right and you'll find him."

Bobby nodded and did as told. He went through the thick grass plains and peered through it.

After about 20 minutes of trying to find Lyndon, he saw him. Lyndon was looking around. An anger filled Bobby's soul. He took a few steps toward the man he hated, but the to be VP was quicker. He spun around to face Bobby.

Bobby was stunned. Both of them locked eyes. Lyndon spoke first.

"Well, isn't this a surprise? Jack sent you didn't he?"

Bobby's instinct was ready to lash out. "How did you know?" He snarled.

Lyndon smirked. Bobby hated that instantly.

"Because," he said lowly, "I'm like him. I'm a time travel freak like him."

Bobby was stunned again. No, that's impossible!

He looked at Lyndon with a feeling of dread pooling into his stomach.

He and Jack were done for. Just wait till I report this to Dad and Jack, he thinks grimly.

Lyndon sneered. "Can you shoot?" He handed Bobby a gun.

Bobby eyed the gun. "No..."

Lyndon slapped him on the back roughly. "Come on, then. Try. I'll find the food."

Lyndon found a deer. Bobby crouched, hidden by the grass. He aimed the gun at the creature's eyes. Jack always said to shoot to the eye not to the skin because it would be less blood.

He fired.

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