Echoes of the Past Ch.9

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Jack stumbled back into his office shocked and befuddled. His stomach was churning and his heart was racing.

I can't believe it, Jack thinks. I'm not the only freak around here! I'm not the only from the future!

Jack feels relaxed but he should feel worried. Why; people would ask. It's because Jack now knows that Nixon knows what will happen in the future, Jack should be prepared and ready for him.

He's trying to bring you down, Jack thinks in panic. I can't let that happen. I must win the election. I can't be Nixon's friend anymore. He's lost.

Jack had a sickening feeling in his chest. Now that he couldn't save Nixon, he'd have to face the problems the Republican congressman would give him. Jack gulped at the thought, scared out of his wits.

Face your fears, Jack's inner voice told him. Jack was still shaking as he went outside. To his annoyance, he crashed into Bobby.

"Ah! Watch it!" Jack seemed angry and annoyed with Bobby. "Geez!" He went outside to cool down. The anger was rising to the surface and was bubbling to the top of the point, threatening to break.

Jack was seething. His blood boiled. He thought he had the advantage. He thought he knew the past but now Nixon was screwed into the mess and Jack had blindly batted an eyelash at him.

Jack thought about his encounter with his rival, no longer soon to be rival. His thoughts were clashing and he wanted to cry.

Jack stared at Nixon, his eyes wild with shock. He couldn't believe it.

"I thought..." Jack stammered. "I thought...."

"You thought what?" Nixon sneered. "You were the only one here? No, Jack. I am in control. I know your family's future. They will be crushed, literally."

Jack stared back, trying to hide the anger. "What do you mean?"

He laughed icily. "What I meant to say is that I'm in control. What's your plan, to stop the assassination? To promise John that you'll come for him?

Jack saw red at the edges of his vision. He charged at him but Nixon swiftly leaped avoiding the blow and ramming Jack into the wall, backfirst.

Jack had howled in pain and fear that his back had given out. The only thing that had saved him was Bobby coming into check to see if his brother was alright.

Now Jack sat in his office, laying on the couch in pain because of the pain Nixon had inflicted on him.

Jack groggily got up and left the room, his stomach churning and growling. Jack was stunned as he saw many familiar faces. Not including Nixon but other faces Jack hadn't seen in years.

Jack went outside hoping to crash into Nixon. Jack wanted a deal.

Nixon was outside, his arms crossed and his stance ready. Before Jack knew what he was doing, he called out, "Congressman Nixon!"

Nixon turned and his frown turned into an evil smirk. Jack ignored this and hinted with his eyes to make Nixon go into a private place so the press wouldn't see what they were doing. Nixon spotted this and nodded at him.

Jack met with him in a small clearing and he cleared his throat.

"What does the famous President want?" Nixon sneered.

"I'm here to ask you a favor," Jack said, looking at Nixon. "I'm going to a deal with you."

Nixon was unfazed. "What is that?"

"I swear after 68' I won't let Bobby run. I'll let you run, but make Bobby your VP. If you do that I won't spill your secret."

Nixon glowered at him. "Deal."

Both men shook his hands. Jack's fate was sealed.

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