Echoes of the Past Ch. 16

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"How'd it go?" Jackie asked when Jack came down for breakfast.

She wished she hadn't asked that question. His face was red and he looked like he'd been crying a lot.

"Jack?" She asked.

"Stupid girls, too blind to see I'm using them." Jack was angry.

"Jack?" Jackie prompted.

"Marilyn!" He shouted throwing his fist against the wall. "She knows! She knows about me."

"What?" The blood drained from her face. "Who? What? Where? When? Why?"

"She tried to lure me," he whimpered, getting close to Jackie. "Don't let her."

Jackie's eyes narrowed. She cursed.

"I won't let Marilyn get near you," she spits. "If she does, I'll make her life hell."

Jack cries openly into her shoulder. "Jackie."

She rubs his back. "I won't let it happen, Jack. I swear."

"You can't do that, Jackie," he says softly. "She knows your future."

Jack wished he hadn't had said that. A few seconds later, Jackie was storming out the door, her fists clenched and furious.

Jackie came back around 11 at night. She was calm. Jack wondered what she'd done.

"What did you do?" He asked.

She grinned. "I payed someone money for them to spy on Marilyn." Jack almost fainted in shock.

"Okay, although you could have asked me first," Jack replied. He gave her some coffee. He wouldn't admit but his back was aching like hell.

It was the first time his back had ached so bad in years. His eyes were showing he was resisting the pain. None of this was to happen till 54'! Jack thinks.

"Jack?" Jackie asks seeing the pain contorting on his face.

Jack fell to the floor. He managed to stay up for a few seconds before everything went black.

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