Echoes of the Past Ch.7

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Washington DC, 1945. 14 days after the Battle of Berlin.

Jack was watching the sky outside as it snowed. The weather outside was cold and foggy.

The degrees for today was just as cold as it had been on his swearing in day. Because of this, Jack had decided to spend the day inside.

There was a knock at the door. "Jack? I'm home." Jackie, now 16, said.

"Come in," he replied weakly. Jackie opens the door and sees him watching the snow fall outside. His palm is pressed to the window.

"Something on your mind?" Jackie asked sitting beside him. Her face is sneakered with makeup. Jack doesn't like it.

"First," he said. "I don't like what you're wearing. Take off your makeup and it's as cold as it was on that day."

"Your inauguration day?" She shakes her head puzzled. "It was snowing outside?" She watched the snowflakes.

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"Yeah," she mocked him.

Jack turned around and picked her up, letting her sit on his lap. He kissed her.

"Oh, Jack," she breathed smiling at him. She changed the subject. "Are you going to see Hitler plead guilty?"

"I want to," he smiled softly. "But I'm not sure. You going?"

"Like I said, I'm going if you do." She smiled softly kissing his cheek.

Jack blushed. "Okay then." Lame thing to say, Jack!

Jack and Jackie went outside of the room toward the senate chambers. The room was already full. Jack gazes in amazement.

Wow, Jack thinks in amazement. He scans his eyes across the room. This place...

Jackie drags him to sit. They wait. Jackie is high on sugar.

A few minutes later; a speaker marches in followed by two soldiers with the prisoner in their wake. Jack can feel the hate swell in the room. The senators glare in disgust as they see the man, the German man.

Jack's fists clench but he says nothing as they drag him to the accused spot. They begin to speak.

Jackie tunes out and watches Jack. He's so perfect and dreamy, she thinks.

"Guilty!" The judge roared, snapping both of them back to the present. Jackie looks guilty for being so easily distracted.

Sorry, she mouthed at him.

Jack didn't seem to mind. He just grinned sheepishly and nodded at the others watching him.

Once the meeting was over, Jack went to his room and passed out on the couch. He fell asleep.

With the end of the war, a new era of peace would emerge but with it bringing new challenges, and a hard bitter Cold War.


I just wanted to say I might not update for three days straight till New Years because my aunt from Mexico is coming 🙈
Sorry just hang with me guys! I'll be back as soon as possible! 😚💕

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