•C h a p t e r F i f t e e n•

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Songs for chapter fifteen: 1

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Songs for chapter fifteen:
1. Dress by Taylor Swift
2. Finally // Beautiful stranger by Halsey


Why am I even bothering with this stupid dance? I rolled my eyes as I stared at the bathroom mirror in front of me. I straightened out the black tie around my collar of my dress shirt that was threatening to strangle all the air out of me.

It was mostly Ryan that was hyping it up throughout the whole week, complaining about how he couldn't go by himself. He couldn't man up and ask a girl. But to be honest, I was surprised any guys could. Those girls travelled in flocks, even to the bathroom. It was impossible to even get one alone to ask.

It wasn't like I wanted to go with anyone anyways.

Well, that's a lie. I wanted to go with Skyler but it's my fault that I'm not.

For the whole week I'd been avoiding her, not intentionally I guess but I just couldn't talk to her. Every bone in my body wanted to ask her to the dance but I didn't know how she felt about me. I didn't want her to say no and then what?

I would rather still have her in my life than have her avoid me or hate me for feeling what I did for her.

And truthfully I had no clue if she felt the same way I did. Maybe I was an idiot, but I had no idea what signs I had to be looking for. I never cared enough about it with other girls.

Not only that, how was I supposed to explain to her why my dad was never home? It was embarrassing where he was when he wasn't home, and it wasn't something I freely advertised around school.

I gave my hair one last glance in the mirror and shrugged before I left the bathroom. It looked good enough. Truthfully it looked like this everyday but whatever. My dad of course was nowhere to be seen, not that I was even surprised. I shook my thoughts free of him, he would not ruin tonight.

My phone rang just as I stepped out of the apartment and the corners of my mouth twitched upwards when the caller ID displayed Ryan's name.

"Can't get enough of me already Ryan?" I smirked as I picked up the phone.

"No I just wanted to make sure you weren't backing out," I could guess he was rolling his eyes.

"Chill out, I'm on my way to the school," I told him before hanging up and getting into my car. I heard that they even decorated the school yard for people to take pictures. At least the weather was still warm enough so the pictures wouldn't be ruined by us constantly shivering or wearing jackets over our expensive outfits.

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