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The aforementioned indigonette idol looked up from her phone and immediately smiled at the sight of her bestfriend running towards her with a very delighted expression on her face.

as soon as the other stopped infront of her, Aoi patted her head while Yashiro catches her breathe after running so fast on her way here. "What happened, Nene-chan? You seem to be in a rush to come here." Aoi said but Yashiro just smiled at her.

"Nothing much... Its just that... I met the most famous Hanako today!" Yashiro exclaimed and squealed right after. Aoi widens her eyes and starts to squeal and jump around with her. So lucky! It is not like you will get to meet the icon of the idol world in person everyday, except if there are award shows ofcourse.

"Ara ara~ So lucky, Nene-chan! So how does he look like up close?" Aoi asked as Yashiro holds her hands tightly due to such feelings she is having right now. "As usual, he is so cute." Yashiro answered and Aoi laughed.

Yashiro is secretly a fangirl of Hanako. Only Aoi knows this kind of side of Yashiro and it is kinda cute to see, if the indigonette lady could put it that way. She also admits, his songs and works are very catchy and amazing and the way he move is all graceful. It is like Hanako is one of the definitions of almost perfect. He is also kinda nice.

Aoi also admits she is a little fan herself, but she will always make way for her best friend. Besides, someone already caught her attention the most that she wont turn away from him so its safe to say she will gladly push Yashiro towards Hanako. Luckily she knows someone who is a close friend to the said male idol.

"Sweet!" Aoi giggled and kisses Yashiro's cheeks. "I got to go. Minamoto-senpai said he is looking for me. I'll see you at the dorm, sweetie!" Aoi exclaimed and waved goodbye at Yashiro before walking casually away towards the elevator, heading to the main office of the said CEO.

Yashiro just smiled and waved goodbye go Aoi until she was out of sight. She sighed and blushed a bit after the indigonette kissed her. Aoi is a type of bestfriend that even if you are a girl,she can make you fluster with her sweetness and tenderness without herself even knowing that. No wonder even on screen, she manages to catch every viewers' hearts.

Yashiro looked at her phone and widen her eyes at the time. '"Oh right, I have dance practice. I got to go too." Was the last thing she saud before running again but this time, to the dance room where her practice will be held.


"Okay and one, two, one, two, WALK!"

The booming voice of the dance instructor could be heard echoing through the room as Yashiro follows every steps she is taught. It was a bit tricky but she knows she can handle this. She was trained enough to go ease with every dance steps she will get.

As the daikon idol walks in (which is a part of the choreography) she suddenly stumbled down as she stepped on something slippery, causing her to fall down on the floor. She groans at the sudden painful impact on her legs.

She held her ankles, hoping it would at least lessen the pain but unfortunately, it got worsen. "Shit." She muttered under her breath and held it tighter. Damn, she never expect that the cramp will be this painful.

The dance instructor rolled her eyes and walked up infront of the female idol. "Yashiro-san, I know the choreography is hard but atleast go with it. You are a good actress, I know that but dont use that fucking bullshit on me. It wont work." The instructor spat out and just stared at Yashiro on the floor.

Yashiro was forced to go in extreme diet due to her fat ankles. But they never knew she was already born with it and she cant do anything to get rid of it. This day, she haven't eaten anything except for the cookies and tea that her Nanamine-senpai gave to her this morning. She also haven't got any water break, making her very thirsty at the moment with sweat all over her body.

"Get up. You want to perfect your comeback stage, right?" The instructor  keeps on talking but was then interrupted when the door open widely, revealing a familiar blonde boy with blue eyes. He scanned the whole room but then widens his eyes when it landed on the certain cream blonde idol on the ground while holding her ankles.

"Senpai!" He shouted and immediately rushed towards her side. His blood boiled so much that he was about to attack the dance instructor for being too careless and heartless but was then stopped by the back up dancers. He gritted his teeth and throws the water bottle on her face before going back to Yashiro's side.

"You little- I am reporting you to my brother with no hesitation for stressing the idols too much." He threaten and picks up Yashiro from the ground. "K-kou-kun." The female idol mumbled his name, but it was loud enough for the male to hear it. He blushed lightly on tighten his grip on her as he stood up.

Kou walked out of the room with Yashiro on his hands as he takes her to the building's clinic. Before they even left, Kou eyed the dance instructor and the team with such deadly and cold eyes, indicating he wont forgive them for doing things to his senpai.

Minamoto Kou is a famous idol who debuted a year ago. Due to having good looks, amazing acting skills, and a sexy raspy voice, he attracted alot of girls, making his fanbase full of fangirls and it is quite a bit rare to find a fanboy on his fanbase.

He is also known for being close friends with Daikon Princess, Yashiro. They even got involved in many dating rumours because he is also known for being a big fanboy of hers (and her being his ultimate crush). As much as he wants to say it, but being her boyfriend is his big dream. He really has strong feelings for her and he thinks it is irreplaceable.

Not long after, they arrived at the clinic. Kou placed her down on the bed and called out for a nurse. "Stay here senpai, I need to report this to nii-chan." Kou informed her and was about to go, when Yashiro held his hands. He blushed at the sudden skin contact.

"No, please stay for a while, Kou-kun. I dont want to be alone." Yashiro said with her pleading eyes. Kou swears it was the cutest thing he ever saw. He smiled and sat on the chair beside her and watched the nurse treating her legs.

"Don't worry senpai. I'm here to protect you."


"So, why did you call me here?"

"you are going to have a special collaboration with a female idol."


"you are about to find that out soon. For now, atleast finish your task this week."



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