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Hanako sighed as he practices all the other songs that would be included in the upcoming album. He is alone for the moment and it gives him plenty of time to perfect the exact point of the songs before the continuation of the recording from yesterday will start off at the exact time when the whole team is here.

Actually, he came in the company on sunrise. he is even much more earlier than the other staffs (except the janitor and the guards), even his own manager who is known to be much more punctual than him. This made the others wonder on what possibly happened to the sudden earliness of his appearance in the studio.

"kore wa kawaii ojousan..." He started to sing while he closed his eyes in order for himself to concentrate. "masshiro na ke ga totemo suteki ne..." He then took a deep breath and keeps on going as he memorize all the lyrics from yesterday.

He was too coped up on his own world that he didn't notice another presence appearing in the room. She stood still on the door, watching him without any disturbance. Now this is the Hanako that she usually knows, the one that is focused and the one who is doing things on his own.

While walking here, a staff informed her that he is already here, and she was honestly shocked with it. They said it was unusual for him to be early, and he looks like he didn't sleep well so the staffs didn't bother to ask, afraid it might only make him stress more than he is now.

Through the mirror of the practice room, Yashiro can clearly see a hint of a negative emotion on his face that is slightly frowned. Did he have any problems with this project? Or did he have a little fight with his company, like her sometimes.

She slowly tiptoed into the room, but unluckily, it didn't go unnoticed by the male idol. "Oh, you're here." he spoke. Yashiro widens her eyes and stood still as she held her bag tighter. She felt chills at his voice. it was a bit deep than the cheery one she heard from yesterday.

Hanako stood up and stretched his arms up in the air. Yashiro just blinked twice before greeting him. "O-ohayo, Hana- I mean... Amane-kun!" She mentally slapped herself for stuttering infront of him. The male chuckled and just waved a hand at her. "Ohayo, Yashiro-san."

He yawns a little bit before making his way out of the room. "I'll be back when the others are here. I'll just be in the balcony. Bye." And with that, Hanako left her alone in the room, very confused and concerned. What suddenly made him that?

And she realized, he does have a real duality. He can be cheery all he want, but then he can be this serious badass idol if he is playing stuff in a right manner. Come to think of it, she felt a little but uncomfortable with this side of his now.

'Why is he suddenly like this... Wait- why am I thinking of him? It's not like it is my business or something.'

Yashiro slaps herself before letting out a sigh. She feels like today will be a long long day. She just hopes that atleast, there will be a little luck that will come to them.


It was noon and the recording is finally over. They have to sing for atleast four to five songs in one go without any mistakes. At least the important thing for Hanako is that it ended smoothly without any unwanted commotion.

He still feels a bit upset from yesterday and he doesn't even know why. He just felt like that though he has  no rights to be like this. Besides, he just met Yashiro last week while her and that Kou has been friends for almost a year or two now.

Wait- why did he suddenly mentioned his name again? Hanako groans and shook his head as he drinks down another bottle of water. He was too in to his own thoughts that he has emptied four bottles.

"Amane-kun!" He looked up and saw Yashiro skipping her way to him with a bag on her hands. Since the two of them were left alone here for now, it kinda felt a tiny but awkward, if Hanako could put it that way.

"Oh, hello Yashiro. Have you eaten your lunch now?" He asked but she just shook her head in response. "Nope! But have you?" The cream blonde girl asked back.

He chuckled and said,"No either. I don't feel like eating right now." Yashiro frowns a but and tightens the grip on the bag. Hanako noticed this and was about to ask why but she stood up from her spot and smiled at him. "It's okay. Hehe, I'll just go outside."

Hanako then realized on what the female idol fully meant. So, she was actually inviting him to eat lunch together? He mentally facepalmed himself for his excuse and stood up.

Before Yashiro could even hold the doorknob, she was stopped by Hanako, who grabs her hand from behind. "Wha-" She was about to protest when he interrupted her all of the sudden. "Come to think of it, I am hungry."

He took away the bag from her hand and pulls her with him to the balcony of the company's building. When they stepped in, Yashiro gasped at the beauty of the area. There are alot of flowers and plants than what she expected what a balcony was supposed to be. Fancy indeed.

There were also some tables. a table for two perhaps. "Come on!" Hanako said and took her to the one nearest to the railings. They sat down and he placed the bag he took away from her earlier.

"Wah! It's amazing up here!" Yashiro exclaimed as she opens the bag while her eyes are watching the busy streets from below. Without the female idol noticing, Hanako stared at her face like it was a masterpiece. a very rare one.

"Sure is." He said randomly. "What was that?" Yashiro faced him and caught the male idol staring at her, in which made him flinch. "Oh- uhm.. hehe, nothing." He answered and looked away and blushed in embarrassment for he was caught.

'what are you doing Amane? this isn't you.'

"Here you go! I made these. Just for you!" Yashiro happily said as she gives him a bento box filled with delicious food that can make people drool for it.
"Thank you, Yashiro." He thanked her and she just chuckled in response.

She gave him a pair of chopsticks. The duo then clasped their hands together and said "Itadakimasu!" in sync before proceeding on eating their food.

"Mmm~ this us very delicious! Did you seriously made this? " Yashiro nodded and chomps on a piece of meat. It was peaceful, Hanako can tell. A lunch with no interruptions but laughter and chatters from the duo.

They stayed there for half an hour to make sure they fully digested their food before starting the dance practice that will be their next task. They just looked at the bright warm noon sky and listens to their own work to relax themselves.

After that, they came back inside the practice room and saw the dance team with Sakura and Mitsuba are  already inside. "Kon'nichiwa, Hanako-san and Yashiro-san." They all greeted them as they step foot in the room.

The duo bowed back as they walk further inside. Sakura came up to the. and let them to their dance instructor. "Hanako, Yashiro, this is Shijima Mei. She will be with you as your dance instructor for this time being." Sakura said and the said girl bowed respectfully at them.

"Hi!" Shijima smiled cheerfully. Hanako knows her. Not only being the album designer and a great painter in this company, she is also a great choreographer, and if he could point it out, one if the best choreographers that he ever met.

She is young though, much to their surprise. But with her skills, steps and tips that would be given to them very soon, Hanako knows that it would go flow smoothly like how they sang the song.

"I'll be in the recording studio if you need any assistance." The greenette said before she left the room with Mitsuba just staying in to make sure he sees all fun. plus, the pink haired boy is also I charge for the pictures for the documentary.

"Okay now. Let's all start, shall we?"
they all nodded in respond making Shijima clap  her hands in joy. Hanako bets that this would be very exciting and fun.


Okay I dunno why but Shijima being a choreographer isn't what I actually planned it would be-

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chap (tho I find it weird) ^^

keep safe and Author-san luvs chu
( ˘ ³˘)♥

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