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With a mask on his face, Hanako walked out of the building and heads towards the coffee shop outside the company. After having a little talk with his CEO, he starts to wonder on what would happen if the said collaboration will happen. Will it receive good and positive remarks from the netizens? He hopes so or else the preparation would turn to a big waste.

He entered the shop, and was immediately greeted by the waiter. "Good day, Hanako-san." The waiter greeted him with a warm smile and Hanako smiled back and nodded as his response. He then sat down on a table next to the window. even though he is wearing a disguise, he can still be easily recognized by the owner and the workers of this shop since he comes here like almost everyday.

"What would you like to order, Hanako-san?" The waiter asked as he pulls out a notepad and a pen, ready to write down his order. "Hmm... I would like to have my usual. plus make the plain donuts 6 this time. I'm pure hungry right now, thank you." Hanako said and the waiter successfully wrote down all the idol's order.

He told Hanako that he will come back with his food and coffee and went back to the kitchen to prepare it. Hanako took off his mask and looks around the shop. it isn't that full but it was peaceful. the customers looks like they are middle aged people or even workers from a very busy workplace whom just took a break here.

A sighed escaped from his lips as he leans on the chair and stared at the busy city outside the window. He was so mesmerized by the sunsetting view that he didn't notice another person who sat on the table next to him.

"Hmm~ I have arrived safely, Kou-kun. No need to worry!"

Hanako widens his eyes when he heard the familiar voice of a girl. He slowly looked at the person beside him. It's a girl wearing a mask and a black hat, making her face hidden. She has this cream blonde hair with teal on the ends and it is tied in a ponytail style. Though he can't see her face, he can still tell who she is because of her figure and... legs.

Yep, he is right. it is the one and only Yashiro. Actually this is his first time seeing her here though she looks like she is very familiar with it already. He just chuckled and looked away from her and continued on watching the busy street outside. He  looks like a pervert looking at her, he thought.

Hmm,but she did mention.. Kang? Kon? Oh wait- It's Kou! Yes, Kou. Hanako knows him very well though they haven't seen each other properly. Their companies are rivals and that blonde idol is the younger brother of the CEO of KAMOME Entertainment.

He has heard a lot of rumours about these two. Not like he always checks some nasty rumours, he happens to come across one article and he became curious so he checked it out and was then shocked. It was the kid Kou and the other idol, Yashiro, telling that both of them are dating.

Hanako didn't believe it ofcourse since the article was poorly written. He can clearly see it is fake so he just let it slide. He have also heard that Kou is known for being a Yashiro fanboy and was caught multiple times being flustered around her. I mean, it is kinda normal to be a fan of the other, right? besides, Hanako admits that Yashiro is kinda cute.

"Here's your order, Hanako-san." The waiter exclaimed softly, not wanting to let the others hear him. Hanako flinched on his seat as his trail of thoughts were cut of by the call. Hanako chuckled and thanked the waiter as he left the idol alone so he can enjoy his snack quietly.

But the mention of his name by the waiter didn't go unheard to the person on the table beside him. She widens her eyes and looked at the person next to her and there he is, the mythical glory eating his donuts while reading at some papers.

The masked girl gasped silently and fell of her chair, warning some unwanted attention from the others.
She groans slightly in pain after the impact. Her feet still hurts a bit so it's a little bit difficult for her to stand up. She was about to try when a hand suddenly appeared infront of her.

'Why does this hand looks familiar?'

"Need help?"

Her thoughts were cut off when a voice spoke up. She looked up and saw the same guy she saw from the convenient store last week. The girl just nodded since she doesn't trust her voice that much at the moment and grabs the hand of the masked guy.

He then pull her up as he tightens his grip on her hand a bit. Yashiro successfully sat down on her chair and immediately thanked the guy. He nodded and sat infront of her. Now that the guy say down, Yashiro noticed another tray of food on her table.

"You wouldn't mind sitting here with you, right?" He asked softly. Still speechless, Yashiro just nodded again and stared at the guy, her mouth open behind her mask.

She can feel him smirking behind his mask tho. And then silence decided to come in between them and Yashiro felt it was awfully awkward so she decided to ask something to him so it would be less quiet. "Uhm... Weren't you the guy who helped me in the convenient store back then?"

The guy just smirked behind his mask and nodded. Yashiro gasped and bows her head on him. "Thank you very much. You are so kind!" She thanked him and continues on ranting on how she possibly thank his kindness. The guy just laughed and placed a finger on her lips, shushing her.

"No need to thank me, Yashiro."

Damn, his voice sounds very familiar. She swear that she have heard it before. like... Yes! like earlier! It sounds exactly the same with it. and the golden eyes, she knew she saw it somewhere earlier. where was it again? Oh, on the broadcast studio of her Nanamine-senpai!

The female idol looked around the shop and sighed as she knew that the coast is clear. She slowly removed her mask and faced him. He didn't react tho, not even flinching at the sight of her. Maybe, he isn't a fan of her? but he does know her... well, maybe he only knows her but doesn't have any interest.

"Hmm~ I knew it that it was you." He suddenly blurted out, making her confuse. How did he eventually recognize her even she had a mask earlier? Is her face still recognizable? If it is, then she is awfully doomed.

Without even saying anything, the guy removed his mask and smirked once more as he then leans his head on his hands. Yashiro widens her eyes right after she finally saw his face.

Her jaw dropped. No... she must be dreaming...

the daikon idol wanted to scream, but it would only cause commotions.


with the mention of his name, he lets out a little Cheshire smile and Yashiro finds it a little bit mischievous for a guy like him.

She never expected to meet Hanako, twice in one day. She truly believed everything was a coincidence. Before she could even speak, the icon laughed softly and drinks his coffee casually like none of these matters the most to him.

Of course, he is the top idol after all and he must have very high expectations from her and here she is, her one in a lifetime experience and she has nothing to say. Yashiro deeply thought that this is so embarrassing, knowing the fact he saw her being flustered very much.

"Hmm~ Nice too see you again, Yashiro-san. I was indeed looking for you earlier."



a tiny reminder from le Authro-san:

So basically,this is the start of the real thing. It is kinda long before the real deal will happen so I kinda apologize for that. must be boring, huh? HEHE

Thanks for reading this chap ^^

keep safe and luv chu OwO💜

a little secret to share | 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚗𝚎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang