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"The performance was moved on Wednesday instead of Friday, so tomorrow will be the second-to-the-last rehearsal."

Hanako stared at Tsuchigomori for a while before nodding and went back on doodling random things on his blank notebook. They are currently at the company's meeting room with Shijima (who is just sitting somewhere in the corner sketching).

The manager sighed and flick's Hanako's forehead, only to get a groan from the younger. "Hey! What was that  for?!" The ravenette exclaimed and rubs the spot he was flicked by his own manager. Tsuchigomori just rolled his eyes and sat down stylishly on the chair just infront of the male idol.

For Hanako, if being a manager of an idol in a company was not Tsuchigomori's job, he would probably be an model. With his looks, height and charisma, you can mistook him as one. Hanako even wondered why the older chose to be someone handling a handful idol rather than living a simple life as a model.

"Are you even listening, Yugi?"

Hanako glared at Tsuchigomori when he called him by his surname, in which he doesn't like or mostly isn't used to. "I told you to stop calling me like that." The manager just smirked slyly before opening a folder and gave it to the male idol who is still glaring and pouting at him.

"Whatever. You won't even listen." Tsuchigomori said and started to smoke. Hanako rolled his eyes and reads all things (well, not all) that are in the papers.

It was all about what the manager announced earlier. He gets it, he heard it all, and he is not that satisfied.

Half of him is relieved that the very tiring work (if he could rank all collaborations he got involved from the easiest to the hardest, then this one with Yashiro is on the top) will finally end, but also half of him doesn't want this thing to end too.

Maybe he is too attached to Yashiro now? Or is this project is really that good?

"What's with the weird look, Hanako?" Shijima asked from afar, her eyes still locked on the sketchpad. Hanako just stared at her and just shook his head as he closes the folder.

"That doesn't concern you, Shijima-san." Hanako replied and stood up from his seat. The girl with glasses just smirked as she thought of the source of his unpleasant and unexpected mood.

"Is it because of this project is ending or are you too afraid of not seeing Yashiro-san again?" Hanako stopped on his tracks as the last sentence hits him. Shijima fixed her glasses and yawns as her prediction seems to be correct.

Tsuchigomori sighed and continues on smoking, not bothering to be involved with the unwanted conversation of the two young ones. Since they are talking about a certain girl, then this needs to end to not dig in deeper. Never know what  will the famous Hanako reveal if this keeps on going.

"Uh... What are you talking about?" Hanako asked back nervously as he avoided all gazes he can feel. Why is he suddenly feeling like this?

"You know what I mean, kiddo." Shijima said and stood up from her seat. "Seems like something surprising came into you." She quoted and walks towards the young ravenette.

The girl opens the door and walked out first before the idol. She waved goodbye as she sang "Toodles~ Yashiro~". A teasing and satisfied smile was on her face as she leaves the two boys alone, one looking like it's about to explode and the other not caring for the world.

As soon as Shijima left, Hanako hid his face with his hoodie and groans, trying to fade the burning and tingly feelings in him. Everytime the fat legged idol was mentioned, Hanako can't stop but smile and feel flustered.

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