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"Kou-kun! Let's go!"

The aforementioned blonde boy just smiled and blushed from a distance. "Coming senpai!" He shouted back before running towards her side. It was their lunch break and as promised, the two went out together to this café Yashiro was talking about.

It's was her and Hanako's favourite place and they mostly hang out here during the days they are still practicing together. The plans of seeing each other was cancelled because the other has no lunch break for today which is a waste because the girl wants him to meet her friends.

Kou was a bit jealous though. Having a chance to be so comfortable and care-free with Yashiro, he wishes he have the courage to hug and touch her just like the famous Hanako. Ofcourse, the ravenette is always confident because he got alot of amount of support all over the world, and he always knew Yashiro always wanted to be close with him, so it was a dream come true for her.

At all honesty, he wants her to be like that to him too. Sharing deeper secrets he haven't tackled yet, and her being able to think about him all the time. Kou was amazed though, just for one month of being close with Hanako, Yashiro can't stop blabbering about him (even if she always said he is just a very good friend to her).

Their first encounter wasn't good as how she met that pervy looking superstar, but he managed to survive her cuteness back then. Kou thanks his clumsiness, because of it they made a good friendship (and he wishes for more though).

"What's on your mind lately, Kou-kun?"  a voice spoke, cutting his deep thoughts. Kou shook his head and mentally slaps himself for spacing out. "S-senpai? Oh.. Uh... Nothing to worry about!"

Yashiro looked at him with curious eyes but shrugs her shoulders. "Okay. You don't look well today, are you perhaps sick?" She asked once again and tiptoed to reach his forehead to check his temperature. Kou just stood still, letting his favorite senpai do her thing.

"You aren't sick either." Yashiro said and the younger sighed. "It's okay senpai. It's just because of work, that's all. No need to worry about~" He exclaimed and saluted jokingly at her, smiling widely and brightly, and it made Yashiro laugh. "Silly Kou-kun! C'mon! Let's go inside!"

Kou fans himself right after he opened the café door for Yashiro to get in first. They way he made her laugh sends great amount of enthusiasm in him. Her smile and everything, was perfect in his eyes and makes him want to keep that on her face forever.

"I will make senpai happy! Even if I suffer!" Kou swears to himself and follows her inside the place. He stood behind her as she waited in line, like he is protecting her (which he probably is). "What was that, Kou-kun?"

"Oh uhm.. Nothing!"


The sound of the clock ticking can be heard all over the room as Hanako reads his book again and Mitsuba sleeping peacefully in the corner. Tsuchigomori left as soon as they finished their cover for two songs.

"Next schedule, two o'clock in the afternoon. More time to read some good ol' astronomy books." The ravenette mumbled as he flips to the next page. Even if the time gap of his schedule was kinda long, he didn't bother to go out and get lunch or continue the plans he had with Yashiro.

He wasn't lazy, just not in the mood to eat, if he could put it that way. Even if he is hella fit or skinny already, it sometimes wonders his fans if he is used on not eating something or just his style of living. If you take a glimpse of him, you'll get the feels of feeding him many many appetizing and delicious food.

Hanako was too focused on his book that he didn't hear the knock on the door. It repeated for like, more than five times but the two were on their own worlds, too distracted to stand up  from their cozy couches.

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