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Another day, and the new duo are currently on the practice room warming up their voices for the song they are about to record very soon. Since they had to maintain their voices  (especially on the stage where they will perform) sad to say they can't eat any thing sweet and chilly, hence Yashiro thinks almost all food she likes are sweets.

"Do... Re... Mi..." Yashiro started up with her eyes closed and her hands in her stomach. Hanako could only sing along as his eyes are in her adorable face. Don't know why but ever since yesterday, he seems to can't stop staring at her. Maybe because she has this visual that can take any breath away.

"Okay! Again!" Yashiro suddenly exclaimed and Hanako flinched. The female idol could only look at him with face screaming 'why' right after she felt him move. "Oh, uhm...nothing hehe. should we continue?" Hanako excuses and luckily the girl bought it.

Since he have most schedules than herself, maybe it's better to not ask since he must be tired. Yashiro lets out a sigh and closed her eyes once again as she relaxes and began to vocalize again and again, trying to focus and avoid his eyes staring at her. She can feel it but she just ignored it.

Hanako sighed and stood up from his spot and went to the locker to get a little drink of water. He grabs a bottle and opens it before chugging it down in one go, emptying the bottle. "Hmm... When will the producers come..." He asked to himself and closes the door of the locker.

Not long after, a knock was heard in the door. "I'll get it." Yashiro said and stood up and quickly jogs towards the there. When she opened it, she immediately gasped, making Hanako look at her worriedly. Is the person on the door a good one or a bad one? Hanako can't tell as Yashiro is blocking his view.

"Nanamine-senpai!" She suddenly shouted and jumps on  to the person. Nanamine... Oh, it's the girl from the mysterious broadcasting team he visited last week. So, she also does the  recording? Hanako was a little but surprised with it. Of course she knows how to record stuff professionally but he never expected she will work with them.

The daikon legged idol pulls away from the hug and steps aside and let the greenette enter the room, in which she did with a little smile and hint of blush on her cheeks after the hug she was pulled in. "Ohayo, Hanako-san." She said and bowed to him, which was then followed by this pinknette guy.

Believe it or not, he mistook this pink haired guy named Mitsuba as a boy. He looks too feminine to be a boy. Call the idol  mean but he surely admits that this Mitsuba acts  more like a girl than his original gender, after they became friends after his broadcast.

"Ohayo, Nanamine-senpai and Mitsuba-san. Nice to see you two here." Hanako replied and made a handshake with Mitsuba. Right after that, Mitsuba puts some alcohol on his hand and starts to rub it like he is afraid if there will be some random infection will hit him.

Hanako secretly rolled his eyes and Sakura could only facepalms herself. Yashiro just stared at Mitsuba like what he is doing is pure weird. "What? I don't want to be sick." is what Mitsuba could only answer to them.

"Haysst... Should we start the recording? Oh wait... We need to practice the song, with the help of Mitsuba-san, ofcourse." Sakura said and the two idols nodded in agreement.Hanako and Yashiro were shocked to discover that Mitsuba is actually this mysterious singer of the broadcast team. They always hear him sing in the  radio or live broadcast on the internet and it was pure soothing and amazing.

Mitsuba smiled widely and claps his hands. "Aight folks, let's start."


"Daikon senpai. Do it like this. Nyan Nyan Nyan!"

Yashiro sighed and inhaled some air before even continuing. "Nyan! Nyan! Nyan!" She sang loudly with her cute voice and Mitsuba smiled widely and gave her a thumbs up. "That's it. Now let's proceed to Crazy Knife Boy's part."

It has been almost two hours of practicing just one song, but somehow they had a little difficulty with it. Especially when it's a little bit fast for Yashiro and a little bit slow for Hanako. Sakura has to adjust some notes so it would be fitting for both of them.

They are kinda doing three songs for the mini collab album. It might include some of their covers together. It is not like they haven't recorded a full album or anything, but it's just that... it is full with highschool love stuff and other things that are closely related to love.

Yashiro always sings on carefree style while Hanako usually does some teen life songs or even stories in one, the No.7 is included. And this kind of genre is a bit new to them so they had to adjust the way they interpret it for better quality for the audience or listeners.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Hanako said but the pinknette just stuck out a tongue at him. "Never!" The idol due sighed knowing they will have their whole month (or two) preparation full of unnecessary nicknames from the singer. They might have met just only today (no more digging to personal informations) but Mitsuba was too comfortable with them that he starts to throw random weird nicknames to them.

"Whatever." Hanako said and rolled his eyes. The young singer gasped and crossed his arms. "If you wanna hit this song good you better treat me like how you treat cute people do. Besides, I'm the cutest here so treat me better!" He exclaimed and Yashiro could only laugh.

Sakura facepalmed herself as she watches them at the table not afar from them, casually waiting for them to be done.

"Is everything okay now?" The greenette de used to butt in. It is almost time for lunch and she has to get the food she ordered just for them earlier on the restaurant outside. "Yes. Need a little more practice and we are ready to go!" Yashiro responded happily and Sakura smiled.

"Good then. I'll go outside. Someone is calling me." Was the last thing Sakura said before picking up the phone call on her way outside. They waited for her figure to disappear from their sight before going on.

"Okay. Now let's continue!" Mitsuba exclaimed cheerfully and the two just groaned but obeyed him anyways. It wouldn't be too bad to spend another two-hour session with this guy, infact they can't even allow themselves to make him mad since Sakura said it's hard for him to calm down.

once they are finished, Hanako sighs and lays down on the floor. Yashiro went outside with Mitsuba to have a little talk that he somehow can't interfere. He felt a little bit left out since he felt like he is the only boy in the group right now. Don't get him wrong, it's just that Mitsuba has much more interest in feminine stuff and he also isn't that interested on hanging out with Hanako alone, unless Yashiro joins.

"Now what to do..." Hanako slowly closed his eyes, feeling a bit exhausted and sleepy with the lessons earlier. And without himself knowing, he fell into a little nap he never thought he will had.

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