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It's four in the morning and here is Yashiro, walking alone in the neighborhood despite the very cold temperature and a very unpleasant time to walk out of the dorm. She wasn't able to sleep for the whole night, resulting for a decision to wake up and roam around the quiet street.

She knows where his dorm can be located, as it is not that far, but she doesn't want his slumber to be disturbed by her who just needs his accompany for a not so important reason. She can call her best friend just by the next room to hers, but the female idol just let her dear Aoi be for sooner after sunrise, the indigonette will have a hectic schedule and she needs more energy for it.

Yashiro can't stop thinking about a certain male as she walks pass through houses. Kicking some stones away, she sighed and begins to mumble some words to herself. "I don't like him. He is just my best friend, that's all." The daikon legged senpai continues on muttering some of her deep thoughts to herself,not noticing a figure watching her from afar.

"Yashiro? What are you doing here?" A voice asked, making the aforementioned female yelp and flinch in surprise. She looked up from the ground and met a pair of golden eyes that was shining through the mid darkness. "Amane-kun!" She called him and ran towards the idol friend to pull him in to a warm hug, just like what she needed.

Hanako smiled softly and pats her head gently. "Woah there~ You miss me that much? It has only been a week since we last saw each other." He stated but Yashiro just buries her face on his chest even further, feeling the warmth of both his clothes and himself.  "You're my best friend after all. so why can't I?"

They both chuckled at her own words. "You know, sometimes you sound stupid, right?" Yashiro just rolled her eyes and let go of him and walked away, teasing him by making herself look mad even if she kinda agrees that she has some moments where she sound so weird. "Hey! I'm just joking!" He exclaimed, catching up to the surprisingly fast walker idol.

"Catch me!" She took her mask down a little and stuck at a tongue at him childishly, before running away towards the convenient store they always hang out at every night. Hanako just laughed and chases after her, enjoying their little midnight game.

Even though they were loud, it was still amusing why not a single person except those inside the store, heard them both.  The duo settles down on a table outside, and takes out some snacks they just bought. "Kinda weird why we are up very very early." The ravenette said, and Yashiro just simply agreed with it and takes a big bite at her rice cake.

"Yeah. But I didn't sleep for the whole night. I can't stop thinking about you- I mean... I was just very excited for my comeback stage in the next two days... Yeah..." She reasoned out, ignoring the curios stare from Hanako. He sighed and bites his donut, humming in response as if telling her he understood. "Good then. I can't wait to stream your album. Don't forget to  credit me for helping you practice~"

Hanako laughed hard while Yashiro playfully punched him by the shoulders. "Yeah,yeah. But you don't have to stream all my songs in that album!" She said, shaking her head but the male just cups her cheeks, pulling her face closer to his. With his teasing smile, he whispered, "I'll do everything for you! I insist! You can't stop me~"

The fat ankled idol froze at what he just said, analyzing what he meant but then instantly blushed at both their closeness and what he just committed. "Err- Ah... Hah... Thanks?" Hanako's smile got wider as he pecks her nose. He pulled away and sat back down at his seat and just simply drinks his coffee like nothing happened.

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