Twenty Eight: Home

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how do you guys imagine these characters?

Sierra «

After getting home from school, we immediately got the rest of my stuff ready to go. With my aunt on her way, I was both excited, and sad to leave Reese and his great family.

"You sure you can't stay a little longer Sierra?" Reese frowned.

"I wish I could. But I've gotta get moved in..I'd love for you to come visit though."


"Of course." I said hugging him.

"Could I visit your shower some time?"


"Okay maybe not that. But I'd like to see you on that pole once or twice."

"We'll talk about it."

His parents then came downstairs, with his mom carrying a box, and his dad an envelope.

"Sierra are you sure you won't need help moving your stuff in? We have the time." Mrs. Adler said.

"I'm sure. I've got it."

"Oh alright. Well, Don and I got you a little something to send you off with." She said, handing me the gift wrapped box. "Open it when you get settled."

"This too." Reese's dad said, placing the envelope on top.

"Thank you much."

"Thanks for being here, Sierra. We enjoyed you."

Soon, Cynthia arrived. Both Reese and his dad helped me carry my things to the car, meanwhile my aunt and his mom conversed about plans for the move.

Reese's family also insisted on sending us with food, packing us leftovers from the previous night.

"I think that's everything." I said, getting ready to part ways with the family.

I again hugged Reese and his mother, before saying my goodbyes— and getting into the car with my aunt.

"You ready?" She smiled, looking over at me.

"I am."

"I'm so excited Sierra, I can't wait to get to know you better. Tell me about you, what do you like to do?"

"Well...before I moved out, I didn't really do much outside of church. I've been having fun customizing my clothes."

"Customizing clothes? That's pretty cool. Maybe you could customize something for me?"

"Like what?"

"Well I shoot self portraits, if you can..I'd love for you to help me make a unique piece. I'll pay you too."

"Wow...I'd love to do that. I'm still learning though.."

"That's what it's all about. Hey, and you should also see if you can make us bathing suits or something."

"Bathing suits?"

Reese «

I sat in my room, staring at the wall.

I was excited for Sierra to finally get her happy ending, but I just kind of wished it was here..with us.

I know I'd still see her at school everyday, but her being here was different. Just in over two weeks, I've grown closer to her than ever. We'd been more honest then ever.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.


The door opened, and in walked my dad.

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