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The crack of knuckles meeting flesh snapped Octavia out of her daze

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The crack of knuckles meeting flesh snapped Octavia out of her daze. Focusing back on her opponent, her fist collided with the girls jaw causing blood to fly out of her mouth and her to stagger backwards. Octavia's fist connected with the girls nose and she brought her knee to her stomach. With an uppercut, her opponent was on the ground holding her hand up in surrender. Smiling about her win, she reached out to help the girl up.

"You did better that time, Marie. You just need to work on your exposure. August will help you with that." Her Russian accent was thick which made Marie struggle to understand her.

Marie wiped her nose with the back of her hand. "It feels like I'm getting nowhere. Every time you give me more advice, it's like I forget everything you've taught me."

Giving her a small smile, Octavia placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're new. You're going to improve. I have a lot of faith in you."

She guided her out of the ring toward her brother. "August, work with her on exposure will you?"

He looked towards the pair and nodded. Before she could walk away, her uncle called her and her brother over to him. Excusing themselves, they headed to the him noticing an older man beside him.

"Guys, this is Mr. Tibbles. He said he has an offer that he wants to talk to you about so I'll leave you to it." He nodded in dismissal and the siblings looked at each other skeptically.

"Augustus and Octavia Arsov correct?" He questioned and the two nodded. "Great, I'm Don Tibbles from Hendrix and boy have we done a lot of research on you two. We'd like for you to represent the US in the Junior Goodwill Games." He had a big smile on his face which made the two even more skeptical.

"Are u serious?" August asked raising his eyebrows. Two Russians representing the US? This has to be a joke.

"As serious as you can get."

"You realize we're not Americans? We're from Soviet Russia." Octavia added.

"Oh we're very aware. We've seen your hockey tapes from your years over there and the few you've spent here. You're two of the best players we've ever seen. But you live here now. So would you two like to take our deal?" He questioned with a hopeful tone.

Octavia and Augustus met eyes as if they were communicating telepathically. Turning back towards Mr. Tibbles, they nodded.


Mr Tibbles pumped his fist in excitement. "Yes! Your flight for Minneapolis leaves tomorrow morning at 8. I'll be at the airport waiting for you two and the other players. I'll see you tomorrow." He bid them goodbye and walked out the door of the boxing gym.

"You sure this a good idea?" Augustus asked his twin.

"No idea." She replied. "But we'll find out soon enough. Come on, we gotta go talk to Uncle Otto."

The two found their uncle and discussed what Mr. Tibbles had to say. He was skeptical at first but finally sent them home to pack, promising Octavia he'd help Marie.

The two headed home to their Aunt Scarlett to tell her the news and pack. She was excited for the two and helped them pack, them sending them off to bed early so they could get a good nights rest.

The twins layed in their beds, both staring at the ceiling drowning in their thoughts. They had no idea what to expect but boy would they not be prepared for the wild ride they were about to be on.

Incipient// Adam Banks 1Where stories live. Discover now