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"Remember to call every few days and dont get into any trouble

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"Remember to call every few days and dont get into any trouble." Scarlett advised, kissing her niece and nephew on the cheek.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I'll make sure August doesn't do anything irrational." Octavia teased her brother while reassuring her aunt.

"More like the other way around." Augustus playfully shoved his sister making her shove him back.

"Alright that's enough you two." Otto laughed. "Be good and do your best. Your parents would be so proud of everything you've done."

The twins smiled sadly at the mention of their parents but nodded. They wrapped their arms around their aunt and uncle and headed off to their plane .

The flight felt long, especially with the kid behind Octavia kicking her seat. She had never wanted scream at someone so bad but she kept it together. She didn't want to embarrass her brother.

When the plane landed and they found their luggage at the baggage claim, they headed for the escalators. Augustus spotted Mr. Tibbles before his sister did and guided her to him and 5 other players standing with him.

"Great you made it! We're gonna head for the hotel and then tomorrow we'll meet up with your other teammates. Right this way, come quickly." Tibbles urged, pushing a small Asian kid foreword.

The twins shared a look before following the older man. Before she knew it, a blonde girl was beside her.

"Hi, I'm Julie." She introduced, holding her hand out.

"I'm Octavia." She took Julie's hand in hers and shook. "And this is my brother Augustus."

"You can call me August." He smiled holding his hand out for her to shake.

"Woah you guys are Russian?" She exclaimed shaking Augustus's hand. "Tibbles only said you two were from Oregan."

"We moved there two years ago." Octavia explained.

"Ah makes sense. I'm glad I'm not the only girl on the team. I've always been by myself on my team back home. It gets really old quick."

"In Russia, people hated me playing hockey because I'm a girl." Octavia admitted. "When I found out it's widely accepted here, it was kind of like a dream come true. They even let girls box here which was even better for me. Well not so good for my face." She gestured to her bruised face making Julie giggle.

"I knew I recognized your names from somewhere. Dean said he heard your names on TV before. You box professionally right?"

Julie questioned, her face lighting up. She had never met a girl like Octavia before.

"Well not professionally." She turned to have her brother input but realized he had ran ahead to talk with another boy. "Our uncle owns a boxing center that a lot of pro boxers train at. Sometimes they let us fight the younger competitors."

"I bet you hold your own." Julie complimented.

"I've never lost." Octavia smiled and saw the limo parked out front of the airport.


"Big woah. I've never been in one of these before." An older boy admitted from beside the two girls. "I'm Dean."


"Right you're the other Russian. Good thing you're hot. Takes away from the fact you're a commie."

Anger build up in the young girls chest. "Excuse me? I don't know who you think you're talking to but I won't be treated that way by a mudak like you."

"Whatever, Sweetheart." Dean rolled his eyes and jumped into the limo.

Octavia felt a calming hand placed on her shoulder and looked to the person responsible. It was the Asian kid from earlier.

"Dean's a goon. Don't let him get under your skin." He nodded his head towards the limo and Julie and Octavia slipped inside.

"I'm Kenny." The Asian boy introduced.



"I'm Dwayne. It's nice to meet you ladies" A new heavily accented voice rang out.

Octavia found the owner was sitting beside Kenny and gave him a small smile. "It's nice to meet you too."

Dwayne gave a wide eyed smile. "I like you and your brothers accent. It's a lot different from home."

"We like yours too." Augustus chimed I'm from across the limo. "Where is home?"

"The wild city of Austin, Texas born and raised. Luis there's might have me beat on the wild part. He's from Florida." He pointed to the Latino looking boy Augustus has been talking to and he waved.

"What part of Russia are you two from?" Luis asked.

"Perm." Octavia responded getting nods from everyone except Dean who had his headphones on.

"I'm from Maine and Deans from Chicago." Julie stated, receiving nods.

"That explains a lot." Augustus added. He had heard what Dean had said to his sister and wanted to knock the living daylights out of him.

"Sure does." Luis agreed.

The group sat in silence until they reached the hotel where they found out their bunk mates for the night. Octavia was with Julie and Augustus was thankfully with Luis.

The group chilled around the hotel for the rest of the night. Octavia grew closer to Julie and Kenny while Augustus had a great time with Luis. The twins taught the other kids some Russian insults, which they all thoroughly enjoyed, before deciding to call it a night. They would all have a big day tomorrow and they needed all the sleep they could get.

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