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The ride to the stadium was short but long enough for Octavia to take a nap

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The ride to the stadium was short but long enough for Octavia to take a nap. When they arrived, they all headed to the locker room to get dressed and then met on the ice. They skated around for a bit to warm up before Kenny noticed the group of kids that had made their way onto the ice. Mr Tibbles and their new coach, Gordon Bombay, were in front so they quickly skated foreword to greet them.

"Tell me about my new kids." Bombay instructed.

"That's Luis Mendoza. He's from our Miami club. A real speedster." Tibbles pointed him out. Luis had already put on his helmet and begun to show off his  skills before Tibbles could say another thing about him. The rest of the kids skated back to give him some room.

"Incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line." Tibbles continued.

"Good lookin skater." A girl from the ducks team commented.

"Very good looking. What do you think, Guy?" A red headed boy in thick glasses taunted a blonde beside the girl. Octavia guessed they were together.

"Shut up, Averman." Guy responded, elbowing Averman in the stomach causing him to fall.

"There's one minor problem." Tibbles admitted. Before she knew it, Luis yelled and knocked himself into the boards.

"Has a little trouble stopping."

"I'd say so." a hispanic looking boy joked as everyone else cringed.

The new group made their way over to Luis and helped him back on his feet.

"You ok, bystryy?" Octavia asked, still holding onto his arm.  (Speedy)

"I'm alright. I almost had it that time." He responded.

Octavia could hear the other kids laughing and it annoyed her. They had no right to be laughing.

"Yeehaw! How's everyone? Y'all ready to play some puck?" Octavia heard Dwayne shout.

"Hey it's hop along Gretzky." She heard an African American boy joke to the boys around him.

"That's Dwayne Robertson from Austin.  He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." Tibbles introduced.

"You mean for his age?" Bombay corrected.

"No, I don't."

Dwayne continued showing off his puck skills laughing to himself. "Hey! This is easier than roping hogs. Yeehaw!"

The twins landed on two blonde boys eyeballing Dwayne as they judged his skills. She would admit, they both were pretty cute.

"He does have a tendency to showboat."

"Wow." Bombay was already in awe at the first two kids. He had no idea what was coming up soon.

Julie was at the net putting on her helmet when Tibbles started to hype her up.

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