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The team stood in the box waiting for the game to start

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The team stood in the box waiting for the game to start. Octavia pulled on her braids to make sure they were tight and in place. Goldberg was arguing with Julie over playing time and the Russian rolled her eyes. She didn't think it was fair that Goldberg was starting when Julie was obviously the better player. It just wasn't right.

"Hey team. We're gonna be great today, right?" Mr Tibbles called from above. "Where's Gordon?"

"You tell us." Luis spoke up.

"I don't believe this." Tibbles shook his head.

"Maybe if you didn't get him involved in things other than hockey, he wouldn't be such an asshole. Then we wouldn't be in this mess." Octavia snapped, earning a small shove from the blond beside her.

Everyone knew she was furious with their coach; she had every right to be. It wasn't right for him to place all his faith in her and then blame her for their loss. It was just as much his fault as the teams, if not more.

"Are you sure you should be playing today?" Adam asked.

"I'm fine. Just a minor headache, promise." She replied.

"At least sit out more than usual? For me?" He pushed. Octavia thought for a second but nodded. Anytime she thought about her injuries they started to hurt. Thanks a lot Adam.

"Team USA." A Ref skated over to talk to the kids. "I'm sorry but without a coach behind the bench, you forefit the game."

"But you can't do that!" Adam argued. Octavia could only roll her eyes. Their coach was letting them down once again, and this time it would send them packing.

"We have one!" Charlie exclaimed. The team could only squint their eyes in confusion. "Miss McKay!"

"We're calling the teacher?" Octavia whispered to Guy and Connie but they only shrugged.

Charlie skated over to the woman and spoke to her, the team not being able to hear their conversation. It wasn't long before they heard her yell, "Well what are you waiting for? The ice to freeze? Let's play!"

Octavia turned to Adam. "But the ice is already frozen?" The boy just shrugged and scooted over to let their new "coach" in the box.

Guy fought for the puck but couldn't win it before the Germany player shot, surprisingly getting saved by Goldberg. Octavia watched Kenny get shoved to the ground by a player and lose the puck. Guy soon got shoved to the floor hard right by the box and struggled to get up.

"Ugh. We look tired." Miss McKay stated. "We need to trade places." She looked to Charlie and Octavia.

"What?" The boy asked.

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