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The airport was awful

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The airport was awful. Sitting beside Dean was awful. And her ticket claiming she had to sit beside Dean and Goldberg was awful. She had nothing in common with either of them and they constantly created the worst smells in the history of the world. As they sat in a room to board the plane, she made a split decision.

"Avermannnn." Octavia placed her hands on the tall boy.

"Y-yes Octavia?" He answered, stuttering a little. Adam caught her eye as she looked back down to the boy and smirked as he knew what she would do.

"You're my friend right?" She batted her eyelashes and scrunched his hair.

"Y-yea. I mean yes. We are friends. Very good friends." He stuttered, looking to Adam for help.

Octavia sat beside him and crossed her legs. "If we're such good friends, could you do me a favor? I'll make it up to you, I swear." She smiled and tilted his head flirtatiously.

"Anything. I will literally do anything for you, Octavia. I will murder a man right now." He sat up straight and looked into her eyes.

"I won't have you do that but when we get on the plane, can we switch seats. I would stay in mine but I'm claustrophobic and am stuck between Dean and Goldberg."

Averman shot his eyes to the two boys and thought about the offer.

"I swear I'll make it up to you." She promised flashing him another smile.

He nodded his head quickly. "Whatever you want, I'll do it."

Her heart jumped as she got what she wanted and stood up, making sure to kiss his cheek and thank him as she walked away.

Adam plopped down beside the red faced boy and looked to him in shock. "You just agreed to sit in between Goldberg and Dean and leaving me hanging. How are you feeling right now." He shoved his hand under his mouth like it was a mic.

"Not too great about that. But it's Octavia. Whatever she wants, I'll do it. I'll literally do anything to hang out with her." He stampered.

Adam nodded and headed back to his seat. The stewardess soon called them to board and he headed on, handing her his ticket. He was putting his bag above his seat when Octavia approached.

"So you're my seat buddy. Ideal'no." She smiled and shoved her bag in the overhead compartment. (Perfect)

"Sweet. I heard your little talk with Averman. I must say, I'm impressed. Claustrophobic? Nice touch. " He held his arm out for her to find her seat and followed after.

She plopped down and popped her back. "Oh that." She laughed. "There's no way I was sitting between those two." She admitted seriously.

He laughed but nodded. "I don't blame you. But Averman thinks you like him now. I heard him telling Connie and Guy."

She shrugged. "Let him. I don't care. One of us is miserable and the other is sitting happy."

"Ah so you're happy sitting here with me." He teased.

She rolled her eyes but laughed. "Oh yea. It's wayyy better than anywhere else."

"I have to agree on that."

The rest of the plane ride, the two talked nonstop. Octavia was interested in how he became a Duck and he was interested in everything about her. He thought her life in Russia was fascinating. He thought everything about her was fascinating really. And he planned on getting to know her a lot more in the next few weeks.

She enjoyed learning about her teammates and what Adam thought about them. She laughed when he said something funny and blushed when he would give her a subtle compliment. She especially enjoyed listening to him butcher her language no matter how hard he tried not to. He calmed her in a way no one ever had and made her forget about all her problems.

The team made their way through the entrance to the Coliseum. Julie snapped pictures as the rest of the team admired everything about L.A. The twins had never seen a place like this and they tried to soak everything in before they would have to leave.

Currently, the team was on their way to the locker room to get ready for the Trinidad game. The announcers were frantically talking about the USA team having two kids from Russia and wondering if they would fall under pressure when they played against the Russians. The team shot looks to the twins but didn't say anything. They didn't have to. They all knew what was going through their heads.

The locker room bustled with noise as the team got ready. Octavia stood beside Charlie and Connie as she pulled on her chestpads. The conversations were light until Jessie made a snide comment to Augustus.

"Don't ruin this for us Commie." He sneered.

"We were invited to play. And I'm not a commie." Augustus countered, rolling his eyes. He was sick and tired of hearing all the comments Jessie made to his teammates about him and his sister.

"You're from Russia idiot."

"Jessie!" Charlie shouted. "That's enough."

"They're the real enemy Charlie. Can't you see that?" Jessie exclaimed.

Octavia made her way over and pushed him away from her brother. "We were invited here just like you. We belong here as much as anyone else."

"It should be just the Ducks." He sneered.

"Jessie stop it." Adam gripped his shoulder but was shoved away.

"No it's fine Adam." Octavia started, getting into Jessie's face. "As long as he knows we all were invited here to help you Ducks. We're here to save your ass so you might actually win against better teams. You might wanna start treating your saviors with a little more respect since you need us." She motioned towards the new members of the team.

"We don't need anything from you, Commie ." Jessie clenched his jaw. He stood tall over the girl but she made up her lack of height with her confidence and fierceness.

"We do need them. Now more than ever so stop being such an asshole." Connie spoke up.

"You know." Octavia started again. "You of all people should know it's not right to discriminate against anyone."

Her blood felt like it was on fire and her hands were clentched tight. The team could see her beginning to crack her knuckles slowly, like she was ready to fight.

"What's going on in here?" Coach Bombay's voice broke the tension.

The team turned to their coach and saw Guy beside him, letting everyone know that he had been the one to get their coach.

"Nothing coach. Just finishing up." Octavia took her jersey from a scowling Fulton and yanked it over her head. She grabbed her helmet and her stick, knocking into Jessie's shoulder and towards the door.

"Let's go August." She opened the door and walked out, her brother right behind her. It wasn't long before the rest of the team followed the twins showing they were on their side of the fight.

The locker room was empty, minus Jessie, when Bombay spoke up again.

"I don't want anymore talk like that. You got it?" He ordered.

"Yes coach." Jessie responded, yanking on his jersey. Bombay might have believed him but Jessie knew that the twins would ruin everything. And he wouldn't stop trying to get rid of them.

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