Chapter 7: Speechs and Lessons

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Eventually the train pulled into the station and they got off of it. (Y/n) noticed immediately that Hagrid wasn't there calling for the first years.

As they approached the carriages Harry stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the Thestrals.

"It's alright" Luna said in her dreamy voice "you're not going mad. I can see them too" this only made Harry look more worried.

"So can I mate" (Y/n) said, jokingly point a few feet to the left of the actual Thestrals. "They've got really cool beaks right?"

"I'm just messing" (Y/n) added quickly seeing how worried Harry looked. He walked up to one of the Thestrals and patted into head. This seemed to calm Harry down a bit.

"He's not at the staff table" Hermione said after they had sit down in the Great Hall.

"He's probably just in the forest" (Y/n) reasoned, not sounding too confident.

The others nodded, more to put themselves at ease than in agreement. "Who's that?" Hermione said pointing near the middle of the table.

"Ughh it looks like a toad wearing an ugly pink sweater" (Y/n) said shielding his eyes.

"That's the lady! She was at my hearing!" Harry whisper shouted to them.

"She works for Fudge?" Hermione asked him.

He shrugged "Must do" they were going to talk more, however just then the sorting hat burst into song.

This year the song was different, it was usually about how each house is different and special, although this year it was about how the houses were divided, but they would be stronger united.

Dumbledore started his speech and got halfway through before he was cut off by Umbridge, how interrupted him with an obviously fake cough.

"Hem hem" Dumbledore looked at her for a second, and then stepped aside to let her speak.

Her speech was a long and boring one... at least (Y/n) assumed it was, he had completely tuned her out.

When she stopped Dumbledore started up his speech again. "Well that certainly was illuminating" Hermione said.

"Wha.. What? What was illuminating?" (Y/n) said zoning back in.

Hermione rolled her eyes "you didn't listen did you?" (Y/n) looked down at the table guiltily. "No" he said quietly.

"What was it about?" He asked Hermione.

"It was about how the ministry of magic is going to be interfering in our education" she told them.

Hermione and Ron then had to escort the first years to the portrait, and (Y/n) and Harry followed them.

Harry then proceeded to get into an argument with Seamus. "You leave my mum out of this Potter!" Seamus shouted at him.

"Oh just shut the hell up before I light this whole dorm on fire" (Y/n) said threateningly sitting up in his bed pointing his wand at them.

"Course you would" Seamus said turning on him. "Just like the prophet sai-"

"JUST SHUT UP! I don't care what the bloody prophet says about me, I just want to get some damn sleep!" (Y/n) hollered at them, being laying back down in bed.

"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked him the next morning.

"He's sulking cause he's no long the famous golden boy" (Y/n) said, earning a glare from Harry.

"Seamus doesn't believe him about you know who" Ron said.

"Yes Lavender thinks the same" Hermione Said.

"What been having a nice chat with her about whether or not I'm a lying attention seeking prat have you?" Harry said to her angrily.

"No" she said calmly "I told her to keep her big fat mouth shut about you actually, and it would be nice if you wouldn't jump down our throats, Harry, because if you haven't noticed we're on your side"

"Plus no one has to talk about that. We all know your an attention seeking prat" (Y/n) added.

Harry was silent for a while before muttering "sorry"

"Don't you remember what Dumbledore said last year? About you know who and his gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust" Hermione said to them.

"How do you remember things like that?" Asked her amazed.

"The point it is" Hermione continued ignoring Ron "that this sort of thing is exactly what you know who wants, he wants us to fight amongst ourselves. And the sorting hats warning was the same, stand together be united"

"If that means getting matey with they Slytherins, fat chance" Ron said.

"Hello, Harry!" Cho Chang.

"Hi" Harry said blushing.

"We'll see you in a bit" (Y/n) said to Harry, grabbing Hermione's hand and walking away to give them space. Ron however did not get the message.

"Is that a tornados badge?" Ron demanded suddenly "you don't support them do you?" Ron asked sounding disgusted.

"Yeah I do actually" Cho replies to him.

"Have you always supported them or only since they started winning?" Ron asked her accusingly.

"I've supported them since I was six" Cho said. "Well anyway, see you Harry" and she walked away.

"How thick are you!" (Y/n) said slapping the back of Ron's head.

"Ow What was that for?" Ron asked him, (Y/n) slapped him again.

"She obviously wanted to talk with Harry" Hermione said to him.

(Y/n) slapped him once more. "Oi would you stop" Ron said angrily at him.

They then headed to potions, with Ron still rubbing the back of his head, muttering.

Snape have them a warning about the exams. "After this year many of you will cease your studies with me, as I only take the best into my N.E.W.T. class. Which means for some of you this will be goodbye.

"But we have another year before that happy moment of farewell. Today we will be making the draught of peace"

(Y/n) quickly ran off and grabbed ingredients for himself and Hermione, before running back to his cauldron and getting started.

At the end of the class Snape walked around the room and graded the potions. He laid into Harry, as he had made a mistake.

"Not terrible" Snape said to (Y/n) after looking into his cauldron.

After potions they headed over to their first DADA class with Umbridge.

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