Chapter 13: Teaching Ideas

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After their DADA class they headed over to Transfiguration. They sat down in their seats and saw that Umbridge walked in as well.

"This is going to be good" (Y/n) whispered to Hermione.

Professor McGonagall walked into the room, taking no notice of Umbridge, and silencing the whole classroom.

"Now that's a real teacher" (Y/n) said to Hermione, making sure he talked loud enough for Umbridge to hear him.

"Thank you Mr. (L/n) that will do" McGonagall said with a slight smile, Umbridge however scowled at both of them.

She then had one of the students had back the homework, only to be interrupted by a "hem hem" which Professor McGonagall ignored.

(Y/n) had received an E on his paper, which he was happy with.

Umbridge once again let out her signature "hem hem"

"Yes?" McGonagall said annoyed, turning on Umbridge.

"I was just wondering, Professor, if you got my letter telling the date and time of my in-"

"Obviously I did or I would have said something" McGonagall snapped back.
"Now then today we will be practicing the vanishing spell-"

"Hem hem" Umbridge interrupted again.

McGonagall closed her eyes for a second, and let out a long breath, before ignoring her and continuing. "The vanishing spell become more and more difficult with the complexity of the anima-"

"Hem hem" Umbridge said once again louder than before.

"I wonder" McGonagall said through gritted teeth "how you possibly imagine to gain an idea of my usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me? I don't allow people to talk when I am talking"

"Now then you know the incantation, let me see what you can do"

The lesson was pretty good, and by the end of it (Y/n) had managed to vanish most of his mouse. At the end of the lesson Umbridge held back and asked McGonagall a few questions.

Later that night after Harry had returned from his detention the four of them sat in the common room.

"How's it feeling mate?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Like some used a quill to cut into my hand... oh wait that is what happened" Harry replied his hand in a bowl of essence of murlap.

Hermione then explained her idea to Harry. "Hey that's an idea" Ron said afterwards. "Come on Harry you'd be a great teacher."

"Yeah we'd all be great at the disarming charm, and.... well that's really the only spell you use" (Y/n) said with a laugh.

"Yeah and if you were teacher everyone'd be great at lighting fires" Ron retorted.

"Why would you want me as a teacher?" Harry asked them.

"Hmm let me think?" Ron said in mock concentration "first year you protected the stone from you know who"

"That was luck" Harry protested.

"Second year you killed a basilisk and fought Riddle"

"Oi I light that snake on fire!" (Y/n) jumped in.

"It didn't really help that much" Ron said to him bluntly. "You just made a deadly snake deadlier" this shut (Y/n) up.

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