Chapter 42: The Ministry of Magic

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"I am never doing that again!" Ron said getting off of his Thestral.

"Worse than the Knight bus?" (Y/n) asked him, getting off his Thestral and helping Hermione off.

"At least I could see the Knight Bus" Ron said bitterly.

"Blimey I forgot you lot can't see them" (Y/n) said. "Must've been really cool."

"Over here!" Harry called to them from a phone box. The others ran towards him and pilled into the box.

"Whoever's nearest the receiver dial six two four four two" Harry said, squished in the corner.

Ron bent his arm at a bizarre angle and dialed the number.

"Welcome to Ministry of Magic please state your name and business" a cool female voice said from the phone.

Harry took a deep breath "Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron and Ginny Weasley, (Y/n) and Richie (L/n), Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood we're here to save someone... unless your Ministry can do it first!" Harry said rapidly.

"Thank you. Please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes." Eight badges dropped out of the change slot, and Ginny scooped them up and handed them out to everyone.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening." The voice said. And the phone box started to descend.

Eventually they arrived in the Ministry, the doors of the phone box opened, and they got out of the box.

"So where now?" (Y/n) asked looking around.

"There" Harry said pointing to around a dozen lifts at the end of the hall. They raced down the hall, into one of the lift, and Harry jabbed one of the buttons.

The lift started to move down and after a while it jutted to a stop. "Department of Mysteries" the female voice said, and the elevator grate slid open.

Harry then led them down the hall to a plain black door that slid open when Harry touched it.

They we now standing in a large circular room that was covered in doors. Everything in the room was black, including the wall, ceiling, floor and doors that were evenly spaced around the wall.

In between each of these door was a torch that burnt with a dim blue flame. The cool blue light reflect off of the marble, giving the floor a shimmering water looking effect.

"Someone shut the door" Harry murmured.

"Shouldn't we mark it or something first?" Asked (Y/n), but it was too late Neville had already slammed the door shut.

As soon as the door was slammed shut the room started to spin around them. (Y/n) felt nauseous, and knew if it didn't stop soon he was going to be sick. Finally the room stopped spinning.

"Well then that was pretty smart Harry" (Y/n) said sarcastically.

"We can worry about that late, right now we need to find Sirius" Harry said determined.

"Where do we start Harry?" Ron asked Harry.

"I don't... well in my dreams I just walked straight across this room through that door" Harry said pointing to the door across from him.

"Well alrighty then always a good plan, just open random doors" (Y/n) muttered to himself.

They walked through the door across from them, pushed open the door and entered a room with a large tank in the middle of it.

"What're those?" Ron asked breathlessly.

"I don't know but I want one" (Y/n) starting to move towards the tank as if mesmerized.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione said, grabbing his arm to stop him.

"But I want one! They look cool! And look they're moving!" (Y/n) complained.

"No they can't be..." Luna said. "They're Aguavirius Maggots! Dad said the ministry was breeding them—"

"No they're brain!" Hermione gasped surprised.

"Oh now I want one even more!" (Y/n) trying to wriggle his way out of Hermione's grip.

"Let's get out of here" Harry said.

"Fine" (Y/n) said bitterly, allowing Hermione to drag him out the room.

"Wait!" Hermione said before Neville closed the door. And she pulled out her wand, and drew an X in the air, creating a blue X on the door.

"That way we know which door is which" Hermione explained.

"Brilliant, you're absolutely brilliant" (Y/n) said to Hermione.

Neville then closed the door and the room spun once again. When the room stopped spinning they headed through the door directly across from them once more.

This time they entered into a large room with a with large stone benches circling around an indented platform with an ancient looking arch, with a veil over it.

"Harry this isn't right" Hermione said to him, who was slowing making his way down towards the arch.

"Do you hear that?" Harry said walking towards the arch. "Sounds like-"

"Muttering" (Y/n) said, as he followed Harry.

"What are you talking about? No ones muttering!" Hermione snapped at them, more out of fear than out of anger.

"Ron is that you?" Harry said looking at the veil.

"No I'm here mate" Ron said.

"Can't anyone else hear them?" Harry demanded of them.

"Yeah it... it almost sounds like mum" (Y/n) said in a dreamy voice to match Luna's.

"I can hear them too" Luna said.

"(Y/n), Harry! Come on let's go, this isn't right" Hermione said scared. "Come on Harry we need to find Sirius"

"Sirius" Harry said slowly before snapping out of it and saying "Sirius" once more, with more vigor.

"Come on" Hermione said, and Luna rugged at (Y/n)'s sleeve.

"Mum..." he said weakly, allowing himself to be pulled out of the room by Luna.

The others talked for a bit about the arch, bu (Y/n) wasn't paying attention, his mind was on the arch, and his mum's voice.

"This is it!" Ron said excitedly pulling (Y/n) out of his thought. They were standing back in the circular room, and Harry was attempting to push open a door to no avail.

Hermione pulled out her wand, pointed it to the locate of where the lock would be on a normal door and said "Alohomora" and the door stayed locked.

"Here let me try" Harry said pulling out a penknife, and slipping the blade between the door and the wall, sliding it all the way around.

Harry pulled the knife out and found that the blade had been melted away, leaving only the handle.

"Well it's not that one then" Hermione said drawing an X on the door.

"Hermione! What if that's the one!" Ron said outraged.

"It can't be mate" (Y/n) said "Harry could open all the doors in his dreams."

They tried another door, and walked into a large room full of clocks. At the end of the room there was a large bell jar with an egg inside of it.

"Look!" Ginny said watching the jar. As they watched the egg rose from the bottom of the jar and a small bird cracked it's way of the jar, aging as it rose up the jar, until it reached the top where it sank back down to the bottom regressing in age and eventually re-encasing itself in its egg.

"That's amazing!" Ginny said watching the jar closely.

"Come on Ginny were almost there!" Harry said to her sounding annoyed.

"You spent much longer in that veil room" Ginny said, but follows Harry through the door none the less.

"This is it!" Harry said excitedly, pushing open the door across the hall.

Book 5: Harry Potter reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now