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Chapter Twenty-Four| Tyla

I lay there quietly, keeping my eyes closed, matching my breaths to the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, the only indications of my heartbeat, my existence. The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming. My legs were numb. Curiosity slowly pried open my swollen eyes to meet a dim view of a magnolia colored hospital room, the door a navy blue. I scrunched my eyes at the bright light that was sipping through my half-closed eyelids. I slowly started blinking, desperately trying to open my eyes and see what's around me. Where am I? As blinding light slowly subsided, I could take a look around my surroundings. It was a hospital, and I felt powerless and heavy. I could not move my hand, my head, or my body.  Short, but plenty deep cuts ran along my arms, beyond was my chart.

The room was pristine clean, and gloomy. Typical hospital beds, IV, and monitors were beeping. The walls were a warm brown color, and the linens were grayish. The place looked nothing like a room where a patient should be motivated to get better. If anything, the dingy room was making me even more nauseous.

I could not remember how I got here, but I knew for sure that I wanted out as soon as possible. Preferably right now, "Hey, can you hear me?"

I slowly flickered my eyes to the corner. A figure of a man was sitting off the side; He stood up and walked in front of me. I remember that I heard myself mutter something. Probably yes, then going off to sleep again.

I opened my eyes and looked around. The feeling of sleep soon left me. There were some wires attached to my hand that snaked across the room to a large machine. There was a window that peered in the room, and someone was staring through it. It was a man. Blinking more, I recognize it was Cristian. He seemed to watch all the machines. Trying to raise my hand only caused pain to shot up in my body from my legs to my head.

Cristian must've noticed and hurried inside with a man at his side, "Angel, can you hear me? Are you all right? Will she be okay?"

"She'll rest," The man said. His pale tan skin glowed in the hospital (as I figured) light, His brown curls were a mess on top of his head. His eyes had deep bags under his eyes as if he hasn't gotten sleep in ages. Another person entered the room, I glanced over, and it was Gisella.

"How's she doing?" She questioned. They both stepped back for her to see that I was awake. She rushed over to me, reaching down to grasp mine unto hers.

"I'm Doctor Higgins, you just came out of surgery," He smiled, "Miss Heinsman here had successful surgery, but it wasn't easy. Her past scars made it hard."

"What happened?" I asked them.

They exchanged glances, then Cristian spoke, "You were in an accident; you have major injuries, so both Apollo and I brought you to a hospital. Along with Aris."

Suddenly it all came back to me as if a dream—the crash.

"How's Aris?" I blurted.

Gisella looked down and spoke, "He had severe injuries. He is still in surgery."

I was trying to absorb it all when a nurse came in. She stopped when she saw me awake. "Oh! Congratulations!" She said to Cristian, "It's a miracle."

Dr. Higgins led the nurse out. He chatted with her before coming back in, "She's been informed"

"Who's been informed?" I asked, too many questions forming in my mind and going away as soon as I had another problem.

"Mya," Cristian said after hesitating for a second.

"Mya?" I asked. They both nodded.

"You told her I'm okay?"

"Yes," Cristian answered.

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