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Do you ever wonder what's behind the walls of maze?
How labyrinth is cunningly made?

In greek mythology, The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus'. The labyrinth was cunningly made by a skillful man, Daedalus. It is made in order to imprison the mythical monster, Minotaur-- a half man, half bull beast.

Daedalus and Icarus were jailed in the maze that Daedalus made by itself. It was ordered by the king of Crete because of his rage.

Later on, Theseus a legendary Greek hero came and killed the fearsome Minotaur of the Cretan King Minos.

Do you think our guests can defeat the 'monster' inside the maze of Labyrinth

Will they able to manage and get out of the crazy maze ALIVE?


Welcome to my
Labyrinth's Mystery,
The Bloody Party!

Let's create
every chapter fun
and exciting!

You are invited,
My dear guests!



Click ACCEPT to continue.


Are you now ready
to write your fate?


We assure you that this game will be full of fun and surprises,
my dear guests!



Maze- n. something confusingly elaborated or complicated.

🖋 inkofdawn

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