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We walked out of the hospital into the open air. I took a moment to breathe the air in and out. If felt like it had been forever since I last got to just take a deep breathe without any worries on my mind.

We got two Uber cars that took us back to the hospital. The girls went back to the room while Hisoka and I went to the roof. At this point the sun was rising. Pink, orange, and gold filled the sky. I sat there admiring it's beautiful. I didn't notice that Hisoka was looking down at me the whole time.

"So, would you mind telling me exactly what happened?" Hisoka asked. I hesitated for a minute not sure if I wanted to replay everything that had happened, but Hisoka deserved to know. I let out a sigh.

"Well after you left me in the room I was about to give up. I thought there was nothing I could do so I...I was gonna kill myself." I looked up at Hisoka. The look of sadness and regret read all over his face.

"But then I decided I wasn't like that. I wasn't going to just quit when things got tough. I used Takeshi to cut your bungee gum. Then I headed to the hide out.
Once I got there I hid my presence so neither of you would notice me. I watched you two fight carefully until I saw an opening to attack. Once Chrollo started chocking you I knew I had to make my move. Right after you passed out I slit his throat. Then I used one of Takeshi's guns to shoot a nen bullet through his head. Then-" I paused for a moment. Hisoka looked at me. Now very curious as to what I was gonna say. A single tear fell down my face.

"Then I ran over to you. There was so much blood. I held your body in my arms until... until you died." Hisoka looked at me. I couldn't tell if his faces looked confused or intrigued.

"You were dead, I held your dead body in my arms. But then your bungee gum appeared. It covered all your injured spots. The life began to come back to your face. I could then hear your heart beat again. I called 911 and you were rushed to the hospital for surgery." I looked up to Hisoka. He just smiled.

"Well I guess I should be honest with you," he began. My eyes shot to his. He laughed.

"I knew you were there the whole time." My eyes went wide. "You see, it's kind of my specialty seeing through people hiding their presence. And since you were there I knew what I had to do. I had to let myself fall into Chrollo's trap, so you could find an opening to kill him. I knew it was dangerous, but it's what had to be done. Even if it meant sacrificing my life."

I starred into Hisoka's eyes. So he purposely got himself killed just for me? I smiled. Then I jumped up into his arms again. Of course I knew what he did was stupid, but he was willing to risk everything just for me. I never felt so loved.

"Thank you Hisoka, I love you." I said without thinking.

"I love you to," he said. Those were the only words I needed to hear.

"Say," he began. I moved away from his arms to look at his face. "Why don't we go on a date?"

"A date?" I asked.

"Yes, just like the one we went on 3 years ago." I blushed at the thought of that date. It was so perfect, and I wanted that again.

"Yeah, let's do it." I cheered.

"Alright then, I'll see you tonight at 6 o'clock." Hisoka then got up and walked to the door. He left me on the roof by myself smiling. I watched the rest of the sunrise before heading back to my room with the girls.

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