14. I saw him

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I love Creepypasta, and everything that has to do with it. It creeps me out, and makes me literally want to crawl out of my skin. Now that that image is in your head, on with the story. You would have no way of knowing, but I have the BIGGEST crush on the Slenderman. Now if that isn't scary enough, them here's the real doozy.

Throughout my life, I have had multiple dreams about him, but I can only fully remember two of them. The very first time I dreamt of him was when I was 6 years old. I was 13 when I discovered Creepypasta OR the Slenderman.

The dream started where I was inside my mothers room in my childhood home. The room was basically just a massive square like any other room. The entire floor was covered by this real ugly and stupidly scratchy carpet. I was kneeling on the grey carpet floor, beside my moms bed. The bed was in the center of the room and pushed back against the wall. You know, like a normal bed. Beside the bed was one of those older box TVs. I was on the floor between the bed and the TV, facing the bedroom door. From where I was kneeling, I could clearly see my dad and my younger sister standing in front of me in the doorway, but facing out into the hallway. My dad didn't live with us then, so I was confused as to why I was seeing him. I was more confused when he picked up my sister and left the room. I guess I wasn't able to stand up or call out to him, because dream me tried both of those things, but my dad just kept walking.

It honestly felt like the hall they were walking down was just endless, because they just kept on walking, and walking, and walking until they were just dots in the never ending hallway. Dream me was just sitting quietly on the floor and staring down the hall, when something moved out from behind the TV. It loomed just like a shadow at first. It was really tall, like "tailbone touching the ceiling" tall, and really quiet. It made no noise. I can also remember the TV turning on, and flipping straight to static when this shadow came out.

At some point the point of view switched to third person, so basically I was watching myself stare into the darkness that was this massive shadow. And then it changed. It went from a shadow, to what I now know as the Slenderman in another form. In just going to say that because I'm not really sure what it's called.

He was wearing a suit with a red tie. The red tie is a very prominent detail to me for some reason. The area where his face would be was etched with such fine details, that I could actually see them front this third person point of view. No eyes or a nose, obviously, but just a big mouth. If you can, imagine Venom whenever he runs his tounge over his fangs. That was what this mouth looked like. Now keep in mind that I was 5 when this happened, so I didn't know who Venom was at this point.

The last part of this nightmare was him wrapping his tentacles around my head, and splitting it open like a rotten pumpkin. As you probably imagine, I was traumatized for months. The more recent one I had was actually kind of sweet. Well, as sweet as a literal supernatural serial killer can be, that is.

I was sitting in the living room of my current house, holding a blade of grass. Don't ask me why, I don't know either. It wasn't even a handful. Just a single, tiny blade of grass. So naturally, dream me wanted to put the little blade of grass back outside where it belonged. When I was outside, it was raining lightly, and the sun was setting. It's important to note that I have this massive oak tree right in my front yard.

I was laying this blade of grass in the yard, and stood up facing this oak tree, and there he was. Just standing beside the tree with his right hand partially raised in the air, just looking at me. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds, before he fully lifted his hand and began to slowly wave at me. My first reaction was to scream and run, right? Nope. I was waving back to him with a polite smile on my face. Then I blinked, and he was right in front of me. I was looking up at him, he didn't have that big smile, he was just completely faceless this time. I don't really remember the last part that well, but I think he held out his hand.

So long story short, I'm not afraid of him anymore. I'll keep updating if anything else happens! 😊

Edit: I was 6 years old not 5. Sorry!


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