42. [Experience] Slenderman wiki(1)

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My obsession with Slenderman started, I think, in mid 2012 and 6 years later, it's still strong. I saw him in a vivid dream once, regarding a window in my bedroom that was used to see Slenderman. But... really, I just feel someone looking, maybe it's paranoia?
I just really.... really want to meet him. Or even catch a glimpse of him in real life.


A friend of mine woke up a few days ago with this on his hand. It's hard to see, but the lines cross in the middle and I think it's the mark of Slenderman. He has no idea how it got there. Anyone wanna take a guess?

 Anyone wanna take a guess?

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My grandmother and I were hiking up in some property in FL and my grandmother kept complaining about feeling nauseous, so we turned back to the cabin. When we approached the cabin, my grandmother ran through the door and to the bathroom to vomit. While I was still in the little cabin, I decided to get some water to ease my grandma's stomach. While there, I saw out the window a tall, black figure RIGHT outside. Once I blinked, it was gone.
Ever since this happened, I get random bruises, my lights flicker even though the light fuse is perfectly fine, I feel paranoid at times, and I feel the urge to draw the symbols.
Does anyone know what's going on? It's probably just a figment of my imagination, but still.

My nightmare:
Back in may of 2013 we had just moved into a new house. My mother freaked when she saw the attick because of a dream she had long ago of one exactly the same where demons resided (there now hangs a cross above the door). I let it go and never thought of it agian, thinking she was just over reacting to a dream. At the end of may I had a dream (mind you I have nightmares constantly but have never dreamed of a demon in my life, just basic horros stuff) (I will make the dream short) where I had a second daughter about 1 years old (I only have one daughter but in the dream I had 2). She was shy and no one would talk to her except my mother, her father and I which leaded me in the dream to get very angry with people for treating her different. The first time the demone appeared in the dream was I had taken both of my daughters to the creek (the exact spot we go each year as a family in real life). As I stood there appeared the demon, tall, black pants and coat, no face from what I could tell yet I knew he had eyes. Right them my mind told me that he wanted my young daughter and after that he would take my older daughter and that I needed to kill him. He barely looked at me but put his focus almost immediatly onto my youngest daughter. I grabbed the biggest rock I could find and attacked him hitting his head till I thought he was dead. The second time he appeared was odd because we were back at our old house in the bathroom (everything was exactly the same as if it was reality and it felt real. I mean everything was the same. Well I had just put my oldest daughter into the bath tub and my youngest was sitting on the wicker clothes basket swinging her feet. As I turned to grab her to put her in the tub he appeared again. He looked at me (he still looked excatly the same, no eyes but I knew he could see me) and then focused right on my youngest daughter when something told me to kill him or he would take my girls away from me. I started punching him in the head till I got him down and he was bloody and threw powder chemical where eyes would have been. Then something told me again that it wasnt enough and what to do to kill him. So I broke my mirror and cut open his chest (at this point he was coming awake) where I ripped out his heart and crushed it. He then kinda melted to just a mass of blood and tissue. The dream was so real I woke up freaked out. I let the dream go even though it bothered me and the site of this thing freaked me out. A months later I lost a pregnancy ( I did not know I was pregnant till I lost the baby, but I knew it would have been a girl who I named Oracle Paree) then many months later the dream came to my thoughts again so I began looking up demons. That was the first time I had seen what is known as the slender man. I had never even heart of him before that but looked very close, very very close to the demon in my dream who wanted to take my daughter. I cant say I believe in him 100 percent but if he is real, dont look for him

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