26. They are in the woods

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I'm not really sure if I can call this a ghost story to be honest, mainly because I personally was explained by these entities that they are not ghosts/spirits but were once people. This is however a true story that happened to me, my girlfriend, we'll call her Amy, and my stepsister, let's call her Rose. This happened when i was 13 on a summer night in July. It was dark and I lived in a trailer park at the time in Ohio. I lived in a small town, not very small but you get the idea, you can't find it on a lot of maps. The layout is kind of odd with two entrances, one by the center and one in the back. The trailer park is basically 3 connected loops and one going uphill with it's own road. The first loop has two roads on what we call "the hill". The farthest road up is by a small patch of woods and is the darkest part of the trailer park at night. Sometimes one of the streetlights wouldn't come on, it was by the furthest turn from the entrance and really dark at night. I lived by the center entrance in trailer 4. At the time me and my girlfriend weren't dating but we still hung out a lot. She lived a row down from me but it was easy just to cut through yards to get to her house. Anyway those details aren't too important, on to the story.

That night me and Amy were arguing about something pretty stupid as teens do. Rose is a couple years younger than me and Amy but liked to be with us anyway. We were on the hill just turning onto the darkest street when Rose decided she didn't want to deal with me and Amy arguing anymore. She sped ahead of us and I watched her ride off. I wasn't worried since she was surprisingly smart and strong for her age. She's also pretty tall, unfortunately her character doesn't quite fit her build, she's pretty shy. Anyway she went ahead of us and got to the darkest point of that street, the corner, and froze. She looked up into the woods, no, starred into the woods, terrified. I attempted to catch up to her but before i could get to her she turned and took off on her scooter.
I stopped and waited for Amy to catch up. Of course she yelled at me for running like that, she thought I was trying to ditch her. I apologized and claimed I wanted to ask Rose why she went ahead of us. I knew if I told her about Rose stopping and looking in the woods she'd want to investigate. Though I brushed it off as her getting scared of a shadow, i couldn't help but feel like something was watching us as we passed the area.
A little while later, Amy decided to walk off to cool down. I didn't stop her, in fact i didn't blame her. I can get pretty annoying at times. What concerned me though was we still hadn't seen Rose. After Amy walked off I circled the trailer park a couple times before I saw her. She was on the complete opposite side of the trailer park from where she took off. I ran up to her, yelling out her name. As I got closer I realized she was close to crying. She began rambling about something in the woods and how she thought whatever it was got me and Amy. I calmed her down to explain to me what she saw, (DISCLAIMER: bear with me here because I know people are gonna be like "oh this is fake" because of what I explain and no I'm not making this a slenderman story, this is what she saw and it will not be the only spirit/person we see. Again, i'm not making a slenderman rip-off. In fact I still see this guy from time to time. Anyway back to the story) she told me they had no face, just a place where sockets and a nose would be. They were tall with pale skin and an all black suit except the undershirt which almost matched their skin. I was sure she was seeing things, but to make her feel better I decided we go back up to the woods and look. She agreed and we made our way to the woods.
Once we got back to the road, we walked silently, listening for anything in the woods. We heard nothing, but the entire time we felt we were being watched. Once we made it to the corner, we still hadn't seen or heard anything. I had her go ahead of me just in case. As i started to calm down, thinking it was nothing, I felt like someone may've been following us. When I turned around, I swear I saw what she did standing in the tree-line, just starring our direction. I felt myself begin to panic, but remained calm on the outside. I told Rose to just keep moving. As we walked I realized whatever was there was inching closer to us, coming out of the woods. They were about 7 feet tall, they didn't seem to be moving any of their body parts, they were just floating. When we turned the next corner, I told her to go as fast as she could and I ran to keep up with her. Once we made it off the hill we went back to our house and went inside.
But once we went in I realized Amy was still out on her own. I told Rose I was gonna go find her, I tried to make her stay but she insisted on coming with. So I let her. We found her around where I found Rose, I previously forgot to tell Rose not to tell Amy about the figure in the woods. But before I could say anything, Rose blurted out everything. Amy thought someone was messing with us and decided she was gonna go into the woods to confront them on her own. I tried to talk her out of it the entire time we walked there. Of course my words didn't phase her and she went up into the woods anyway. I yelled that I was gonna walk Rose home and that I'd be back. As we walked down the hill, about halfway, I heard a distant, inhuman shriek come out of the woods. I told Rose to go home as fast as she could and I turned back, running to see if Amy was ok.
I didn't very far before I saw her running, mind you this was the first time I had actually seen her scared after knowing her for 3 years, so I knew something was wrong. I stopped and she told me to run home, so we all fled back to my house. Once we got there we were all tired, panting and sweaty. You should've seen how confused my mother was, she asked what was wrong but I knew she wouldn't believe us. And even if she did I didn't want her involved with this. So I just told her we decided to run back. We all went to my room and closed the curtains. We also turned the closet light on and closed the door. We all sat down and I asked Amy what she saw when she was up there. She told me she saw a tall, black shadow. No legs, but they did have arms. They were about 8 feet tall and they were carrying something large and dripping. Their back was turned to her so she shouted out to them. She started cussing them out and yelling. Once they turned around though, they looked directly at her revealing a white porcelain mask with red lips and markings above the eyes. It stretched out an empty arm, pointing at her before letting out a loud, inhuman shriek. That's when she ran out of the woods and told us to go.
The rest of the night the two, beings, harassed all three of us. There are three particular moments I remember vividly. The first was when I looked in the yard through my curtains, they both stood there, starring into the window. The second, we all went outside to look for my cat. I looked under a car for him, but fell back when I saw the one without a face, laying there. Just starring back at me, his head tilted in a curiously twisted manner. We did eventually find him and bring him inside. The third one I didn't actually see, but Amy told me about it. She said when we came back to my room after looking, she saw a pair of feet behind my closet door. When she looked away and looked back they were gone. After that we turned the light off and ignored the closet. I managed to convince my mom to let her stay the night that night, but we didn't sleep much. Rose ended up falling asleep around 2 in the morning, while me and Amy fell asleep on the couch together at 4:30.
The next day me, Rose, and Amy decided to go up to the woods and investigate the area Amy saw the masked one. As we suspected, when we got there, there was blood on the tree the entity stood by and a trail of blood on the path leading to some bushes. For the sake of not wanting to find anything we couldn't unsee, we decided not to look in the bushes and walked out of the woods.
Ever since then, these entities have been following us and communicating with us. They taught us about their meetings and stuff like that. I've attended a few but hardly remember what I did or said. But Crescent, the masked one, and Faceless, pretty self explanatory, are not the only ones. There's also Leo, who looks like Crescent but is slightly taller, only has one eyehole in his mask, and is missing an arm, who is second in command. There's Angel, who always walks with a noose hanging around her throat. The weeper, who's covered in bruises and cuts slit his wrists and leaves blood and tears wherever he goes. The puppeteer, the leader. He can control whoever he wants but gives great pain to himself and whoever is around while he takes over someone. Then there's the executioner. If you see him that usually means something bad is going to happen to you or someone close to you soon. He's a tall cloaked figure, no lie, about 20 feet tall. You can't see his face, but when you see him it's kinda creepy. Before I moved away, I was walking the trailer park pretty late and I looked up. Across the main road that the trailer park sat beside, in a storage unit lot, I saw him standing there. I got so angry, I ran at him. Once I reached the middle of the road, he vanished completely. Then I noticed a car coming down the road, speeding. Luckily I got out of the way. A month after seeing him my father died of cardiac arrest. The blood vessels in his heart constricted so tightly that blood couldn't flow through it and it failed.
The worst thing is, no matter what, they always find you. Not too long ago I moved away from the trailer park, but they found me. I still see Leo and Crescent around, walking in the woods or watching me. It's terrifying, I don't know what they want but they always find me. At school, at home, at the mall, hell they followed me to North Carolina on a vacation once. I had to stay away from my family there so they wouldn't take interest in them. I currently think that Leo is attempting to get revenge on me for calling him a one armed bastard at a meeting. You should've seen how pissed Amy was the next time I saw her, she was like "you're such an idiot they're going to kill you". I brushed it off but I don't know. I guess he's still pissed about it.
Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this, if you have any suggestions on what I should to I guess you can comment suggestions. Thanks for reading.
Also go to my profile if you'd like to see the layout of the trailer park I lived in.


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