Stranger Danger

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I slowly opened my eyes and stared hazily at...a car roof? My eyes suddenly scanned around and I realised that I was laying on a backseat of very lush material. I was about to sit up the car when the car must've driven over a bump because I was suddenly flopping around and managed to hit my head on the driver's seat. Ouch.

I groaned in pain and sat up rubbing my bruised forehead. That was going to leave an awfully ugly mark.

"You're finally awake. " A voice purred and I finally carried my attention to the driver. He looked familiar but my head was pounding and it hurt to think at all. Wait what time is it?

"Around two o'clock in the morning." He replied to the question I hadn't realised I asked aloud, "Just lay back and relax."

I stared outside the moving car and panic shot through me as I realised I was in a car with a complete stranger. What. The. Hell.

"Uh where are you taking me?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady, but failing miserably. His hand slid to my leg, rubbing it back and forth. I immediately felt discomfort in the situation and it took everything in me not to panic. I pressed my brain, pieces of the night coming back to me and realisation suddenly dawned over me. I couldn't believe I agreed to leave with him.

What the hell did I get myself in?

"Why do you look so told me it was fine to take you somewhere more quiet." He looked disappointed and I would've cared slightly if I wasn't going to shit bricks from fright at that moment.

"Yes, but I was drunk and giddy and I don't remember anything." I replied as he parked into a driveway of an expensive-looking 2 story house, I didn't know the neighbourhood but I did see a sign saying 'La Cantu' when were were driving in. I also decided to take note of the house number incase things got sticky. "Can you drop me back to the club so I can call my friends?"

"You can use the phone inside and I'll drive you somewhere you can meet them at.I'm so sorry, I look like an ass right now." He sighed and looked down in his lap.

I leaned forward and said, "It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have been drunk."

He smiled and got out the car, opening the backseat for me to get out. I slid into the breeze of the dark, early morning and followed him inside the house.

There was chandeliers hanging in every room and the furniture was so lively that the colours seemed to dance across the room. Paintings were hung on every wall and I'd probably have to sell myself to buy one. It looked just as extravagant as the penthouse.

"The phone's across there." He pointed to a handset in the spacious kitchen we entered. I walked across manoeuvring around the granite countertop island in the middle.

"This place is amazing." I gasped to him and he smiled full on. He seemed nice enough and I thought he understood my mistake well enough. He was being accommodating. He jumped onto the counter and sat there with his legs perched on top of the island.

"I know my parents go away often on business trips so they leave me to watch the house." He explained and I wondered for a moment why I was making small talk with him when I should be trying to get the hell out. I picked up the phone and waited for dial tone but the phone was dead. That's strange.

"Your phone is dead," I started off hesitantly and wondered how the hell a home phone decides to be dead when I try to use it. Coincidence? I think not, "Maybe you should just drive back to the club."

He proceeded to hop off the counter and walked slowly towards me. My stomach lurched and felt like it was turned inside out as I watched him come closer.

An Arranged Marriage, To Mr. Cocky Over There? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now