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"Mother & Father" -Broods

Scott was staying the night before they all got on a plane to North Carolina in the early morning. 

     Anna wasn't happy about waking up at the crack of dawn nor was she ecstatic about having to go see her immediate family. Lars was optimistic though, and Anna didn't know why. All she felt was dread the minute her youngest brother opened his mouth. 

    It was midnight, and Anna still hadn't been able to sleep. Lars insisted on spending the night even when he had no clothes or even a toothbrush over at her place. He was exhausted by the day but was in the same situation as Anna, unable to calm down his racing mind. 

     Anna's small cottage was two stories where the upstairs only consisted of a full bathroom, the master bedroom, and a linen closet. Meaning Lars and Anna were upstairs by themselves as Scott snored away on the two-seater couch in the living room below them. 

     In the dark, Anna turned her body so it was on its side, facing Lars' where he was lying on his back, but his head was facing away from her. Feeling bold, Anna let out a pst sound from her full lips to grab the attention of the sleeping Swedish man next to her. When he didn't move, Anna began to poke his large bicep, a sigh left Lars playfully.

     He then whispered, "Yes, Anna?"

     The blanket clutched in her hands, raised to her lips as if to hide, "I can't sleep."

     "Did you take-"

     Anna rolled her eyes, "Yes, I took two, but they aren't working tonight."

     Lars' head was still looking away from her, "I'm not staying up with you, Anna. We have an early flight to catch."

     "I know, just-" An unwelcome choke escaped her.

      She didn't understand why she was so upset, but the only thing that came to mind was that tomorrow, she would be seeing her family again after nine years.

     At the sound of her meek voice, Lars turned quickly, not understanding how she was suddenly upset, "Anna... What's the matter?"

     She sat up and fixed her oversized shirt for it had ridden up while under the covers, "I know you don't understand, Lars but these people... they aren't all good. I've tried so hard to see their views, but my God, Lars," Anna ran a hand through her curtain bangs to rid them from her watering eyes, "I haven't seen them in so long, and I know that was my decision, but I can't help but be so...angry."

     Lars continued to lay on his back and stare up at her in the dark. He could see the silhouette of her curves and chubby face, but he didn't need to read her face to know what her voice told him, Anna was miserable. Lars opened his arms wide, inviting her into his hold, where Anna, without hesitation, listened to the calling of his affection. 

     That was one of the things Anna loved about Lars. She never saw him affectionate with anyone, not even his own dad. But with Anna, if he didn't know what to say to make her feel better, he would touch her, hug her, and sometimes he would go the whole nine by giving her a reassuring kiss on the head. 

    "You're right. I don't understand, but that's because I've never met them. Now, I'm not taking their side because I will always be on yours," Anna looked up at him while she lay on his chest in his arms, "but, Anna," He let out a sigh, "I still don't understand why you haven't seen or spoken to any of them in almost ten years."

     Anna then looked away, closing her eyes in sadness. It felt as if no one ever understood her, not even when she studied the English language, got a degree in it, and taught it. Still, no one understood her. 

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