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 "Chapel of Love" -The Dixie Cups

"Anna!" Lars gasped, snatching her wrist to yank her back.

     Anna either didn't understand what she had said, or she just didn't care because she continued to throw wood into the fire when she winked over at Midge, "Nice job, M."

     "Jesus, Anna, keep it your pants, alright?" Lars had grumbled behind her. Anna laughed to herself before she kissed him on the neck quickly, just so he would release his clutch. Once he did, Anna jogged into Laurie's arms with a giggle.

      Where Lars was standing at six feet three inches, Laurie was six feet tall, this meant that Anna was once again, the shortest one in the room. Anna wrapped an arm around Laurie's waist and then one around his neck to yank him down into her jumping form.

     Laurie let out a grunt and a huff but smiled nonetheless, giving the woman a lite hug, "My darling Anna," he laughed out.

      "He doesn't call me, darling...the fucker," Midge mumbles to herself with a pout.

     Anna squealed at the name and then pulled away to look up at him, "Good Lord, be still my beatin' heart! Ain't you just the sweetest thing? And not to mention the accent!" 

     She gasped playfully but then suddenly became serious, pulling him down with a yank from the front of his shirt.

      Laurie's face sobered at the action, "You ever hurt that woman, I swear to our lord and savior Jesus Christ himself that I will injure you and make it look like an accident."

     Anna kissed his scruffy cheek with a friendly peck, let go of him and his shirt, all the while smiling big. Laurie stood straight up and cleared his throat, looking over to Midge for help who was trying her hardest not to laugh, and then sent a look his way that said, "I don't doubt she wouldn't".

     Anna clapped her slightly chubby hands with a wide smile on her face, "Alright, I'm hungry. Where's the kitchen, and can I raid it?"

     Midge pointed her in the right direction with thin lips, trying her damn hardest not to laugh at her old friend, but it was becoming damn near impossible. Anna skipped away, the dogs following behind her with jingling collars.

     "Again, I'm sure I don't have to apologize for Anna's behavior?" Lars was terrified. 

     He didn't like meeting new people, just like Anna, but where Anna's anxiety makes her antsy and eager to please, Lars' makes him stiff and quiet. Not to mention he was going to be staying in the home of two authors. One of which is famous.

     Midge shook her head, "If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I knew her first." Laurie smiled and nodded once, "Now tell me, Lars Nordin. Are you treating my girl alright? I don't want to have to commit a crime...again."

     Lars' pale blue eyes widened slightly, "Again...?"

     Midge laughed as she urged him in front of her and Laurie. 

     Lars went after Anna with a confused face but a smile nonetheless. Midge and Laurie took their time walking to the kitchen. The slightly tall woman rubbed her man's back affectionately as he listened in on cabinets opening and closing.

     "When you told me to 'beware' of Anna, I did not expect this," Laurie quietly said to his lover.

     "What did you expect?"

     He shrugged, "Honestly, I thought she was going to be sour or excuse my language, but I thought she might be bitchy."

     Midge looked over at the couple in the kitchen. Lars was trailing after Anna as she scoured the fridge, reminding her that this wasn't her house and that she needed to be respectful, "No, Anna is just...a character."

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