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 "Dreams" -The Cranberries

"Anna...You're late."

     She gulped, unmoving, staring up at the man through the screen door, "Christopher...What are you-"

     He cut her off, "Get inside. It's late," he commanded.

     With a nod, she took the key out of the knob, looking back at Lars with a scared look. She didn't know they were going to be here. She wasn't prepared for them, and that made her chest tighten. She cleared her throat, clutching onto Darcy's leather leash as the door opened.

      Christopher looked the same as the last time they saw him, large and with an "in charge" attitude. Anna wanted to roll her eyes when he puffed his chest out at the sight of Lars. The couple quietly walked into the house as Chris held open the wooden door since it had a tendency to close itself shut.

     "I didn't expect you."

     Lars watched Anna's younger brother lock and bolt both doors. For some reason, it made the Swed's chest constrict. Was it that dangerous out here or was Anna's family that paranoid?

     "Yeah, well, we expected you this evening."

     She ignored his jab, "We?"

     "It's just Scott and I this time around. Mom couldn't make the trip, and Wayne decided to stay back with her."

     Before she could stop herself, she whispered under her breath, "What a saint."

     He heard, "Already, Anna? You just got here, and you want to start acting like a bitch?"

     Lars made a move, but Anna stopped him quickly, "Can you just tell us which room we're in? We're tired from the drive."

     Christopher looked between Lars and Anna before answering, "You're upstairs. Your boy toy's on the couch."

     Lars was about to object, but Anna beat him to it, "Last time I checked, I'm your older sister, and since I'm thirty years old, I can sleep in the same room as my husband."

     There was a long string of silence before Christopher grinned, covering his mouth as a laugh spilled out. Anna rolled her eyes again, grabbing Lars' bicep to guide him through the living room and to the right hallway. Stairs were instantly seen, but because of how dark the house was, Lars wasn't able to look around long, following Anna up the skinny strip of carpeted stairs.

     Anna sighed once she reached the top, a headache forming when she saw the state of the upstairs. It looked like a studio apartment. It was just one big room with a half bath. Anna walked to the other end of the room, where a full-size bed was cleared off.

     On the drive down, Anna had spoken of her grandmother. The old Mexican woman was hard and cold, but if she was in your corner, she could be the most helpful and sweetest woman you have ever had the chance of meeting. She had done extensive amounts of charity work all of San Diego and even the world. The Mexican Catholic was always serious and never joke around. 

     But she was also a hoarder.

     She had to have three of everything she owned. Many armoire and wooden bookshelves were filled to the brim of nicknacks from all over the world. The white walls were covered in framed photos of the family. Lars only recognized the family he met that last January. He even saw many photos of Anna as a little kid and some when she was a teen.

     Darcy jumped up on the small mattress, instantly finding the center so he could sleep.

     Anna flopped on her back onto the bed with a small grunt, and Lars put down the luggage, "I didn't know they were going to be here."

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