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"Still Sane" -Lorde

    It was late August then, Anna was a few days away from the fall semester beginning, and she was dreading it. She had barely been able to gather everything she needed for the semester, let alone the first few weeks of the semester.

     Lars watched her for days. 

    The first few were with her in bed. The rest was with him walking on eggshells, for she was a force to be reckoned with.

     Lars would like to say that he knew his love pretty well. What made her tick, smile, cry. But, the loss of Garbage was something else. The Orange Tabby passed in his sleep due to natural causes, the vet said, but his death was out of the blue. It shocked Anna even though she wasn't ignorant to the fact that he was an old bitty.

     This made her sad of course, but the woman was also seeping with rage. She was angry at the fact that she had no warning, no time to prepare, not even able to hold him while he passed. It was the weekend, and Lars wanted to treat his fiance to a nice dinner due to her sour mood, but he knew that morning, the minute she woke up to Darcy's incessant barking, she had gone manic.

     He was already up before her and had heard the barking. He tried his best to calm the Rottweiler, but he was chasing a squirrel in the backyard. There was no stopping him until the rodent left the premises.

      Anna had stomped down the stairs, Lars got sudden Deja Vu, from the time that he had left the bathroom door closed, and Garbage was meowing to the gods above to be let outside to relieve himself. 

     It was the same that morning. She was ready to hit something, but Lars was able to gather Darcy quickly, shutting him into the house, so he lost view of the squirrel.

     His fiance, all morning, did not speak a word to him. 

     A hard glare stayed on her face until way past lunch, until he told her of their dinner plans. But, Anna wasn't in any mood to go out, especially with the burning rage she woke up to.

     Lars sat in the living room with the television quietly on, he kept the volume low to hear for her around the house. Anna came back down from the upstairs and headed straight for the kitchen. 

     Lars turned in his seat to watch her, finding that she was still wearing sweats and a t-shirt from the day. He stood, carefully making his way to the kitchen to find her pouring herself a drink. 

     A dark one.

     He sighed as he leaned up against the wall, putting his hands in his navy blue trouser pockets, looking down at his new brown dress shoes, "I thought you weren't going to drink tonight, Muffin?"

     She didn't look back at him as she stared out the kitchen window, taking a hefty sip from the glass, "You callin' me a drunk?"

     Before he could stop himself, he muttered, "No, but I didn't plan on being your crutch tonight."

     He winced the second he said it. Lars knew he was in for it when she shot the glass back, drinking the rest of the whiskey she had poured herself before placing the glass gently onto the marble counter. 

     He was about to apologize profusely, but it was the slow head turning and then the scariest glare he had ever seen that made him choke. He hadn't seen a look like that since he once told his grandfather to be quiet for an unknown reason. Lars got a hand to the back of the head that day and the same glare that Anna wore on her face.

     "My crutch...?" Anna's dark eyebrows raised as she turned to lean her hip against the sink.

     "Anna, I'm-" he stopped himself from apologizing, "You know what? No, I'm not sorry. I wanted to take you out on a date tonight because I know how down you've been, but you have been insatiable. Some nights I don't even want to come home and just stay at the apartment!"

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