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"I Only Have Eyes for You" -The Flamingos

Lars' rough hand landed on his woman's ass, he smiled wide at her squeal of surprise. 

     Anna spun around wide-eyed and instantly let out a loud cackle she couldn't control. She was leaving the bathroom, dressed in her sleep clothes of sweats and a large t-shirt when he couldn't help himself, landing a broad slap on the muscle he loved so much. 

     It was the first time Lars had done something like that, but it felt natural. Like he had done it a hundred times. With the hallway dark, the only light seen was the ones peeking from under the closed doors of her brother's rooms, who inevitably still lived at home. 

     Scott had given up his small room to Aunt Lynn and her boyfriend of eight years while he slept out in the living room with the rest of the kids. 

     The two-year-old slept with his parents though. 

     Christopher gave his room to Kat, the thirty-five-year-old, while he slept on the couch to watch the kids. Anna was given the guest room that she had slept in three times before, the times when she was in her younger twenties, giving into the pleads and gaslighting of her parents. But Wayne and her younger brothers were adamant on Lars sleeping in one of the recliners in the living room. 

     After the sound of her brother's obnoxious snoring started, Lars wasted no time in getting up from the creaking recliner, tiptoeing his way to the room Anna was sleeping in. The master bedroom had two doors, one facing the backside of the house, where the bedrooms were, and the other was facing the living room. 

     Lars had to pass the room to get to Anna. Wayne left both doors open to keep an eye on Lars as well as making sure the kids weren't getting up to eat from the kitchen in the middle of the night. 

     Wayne's superb plan of keeping a watchful eye on Lars dissipated the minute he closed his eyes, falling into a drunken slumber. Lars skipped over to Anna, landing a loud slap to her ass. Anna flew almost a foot into the air at the action but laughed in shock. Kat opened her door when the two were standing in the hallway, laughing with one another, telling the couple to keep it down with a smirk. 

     Lars pushed Anna into her room and onto the bed, helping her take off her glasses as he began to kiss her gently, "What's got you so frisky, Larry Bird?"

     The Swed pulled away with a low groan and got into the full-size bed next to her, "I just can't resist you when I see you in sweats."

     A booming laugh left her as she snuggled into his side. Lars placed her silver and round glasses on the low side table next to him, turning off the light before wrapping his arms around Anna, "You are such a liar! I've worn these sweats I don't know how many times in the three years I've known you and you never made a move."

     "Anna... I have asked you out maybe five times since I've known you, and every time you were so oblivious to how much I liked you." Anna shook her head in disbelief, playing it off as if he was joking, "I'm serious. That one night I invited you over, making pasta, I kicked my dad out of the apartment so we could be alone."

     She laughed again, a blush overtaking her cheeks, "We were up there for hours, Lars! We watched three movies, and I stayed the night because of how late it was. Your poor dad...Where did he sleep?" 

     Lars laughed down at her, snuggling into the comforters, "Over at old man Haris."

     Anna shook her head in amusement, "That was not a date, weirdo. You didn't even try anything."

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