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"Painkillers" -Rainbow Kitten Surprise

"...Anna..." Lars' voice was heard far off in the distance, only loud enough for her to know it was him. 

     She didn't know where he was, but it sounded rooms away. Anna knew she was asleep but was past the point of exhaustion. Her green-blue eyes wouldn't open, nor could she mumble a thing, but Anna heard Lars.

     It was when she felt large hands on her that Anna's body released a jolt, her legs kicked out slightly. A small gasp left her, and her eyes snapped open in alarm, finding Lars next to her on the bed. The side table lamp was on, casting a warm glow into the room, and from one look out the window, Anna could see that it was early morning, the sun just rising. 

     "Are you alright?" Lars asked her, tucking a frizzy strand over her shoulder.

     Anna rolled to lay on her back but kept her eyes on her man as he leaned on one arm to peer over her. She gave him a confused look before reaching over to her side table for her silver-framed glasses, slipping them on to see a better picture of Lars. 

     "Am I alright? You just woke me up from a dead sleep..." Anna sat up then, leaning her back against the headboard. She looked around then, missing Lars' gaze as she searched for her stuffed animal, finding it on the floor. She reached down with a groan as she grabbed it and then placed it in her lap.

      "You were crying." Lars continued to lay on his side, looking up at Anna.

     She rubbed her stinging eyes, her dark brows furrowed, "In my sleep?"

     He nodded, "You alright?"

     Anna gave him a small smile to put him at ease, but Lars didn't buy it. He remembered how differently she had been acting the past few months, ever since she visited her family. Something happened to her. Some switch turned on that hadn't been on in a long time. By different, she had been sleeping more than usual, unmotivated, and almost mournful. 

     He tried asking her multiple times if he had done something or if an incident happened at work. But she denied both and had been quiet. Anna got up from bed, not even kissing Lars before she went to the bathroom. 

     He sat up in bed then, watching the hallway for her. After ten minutes, and she still hadn't returned, he heard the shower running and saw the heavy amounts of steam coming from the small bathroom. 

      Lars was trying to be supportive, trying his hardest to understand why she was acting the way she was. But everything he tried, wasn't working. It was only until he looked up her symptoms and found the clear orange bottle hidden behind the bandaids in the medicine cabinet, where he understood what was happening. He found the bottle only the day before when Anna screamed at him while he was watching the discovery channel in her living room. 

    Anna had been home from work for only an hour when she had told Lars she was going to finish up some work in her room upstairs, alone. A burning rage surfaced up her stomach and to her chest when the loud cries of her Orange Tabby, Garbage, rang throughout the small house. 

     Anna had slapped her laptop closed hard enough that she could have broken it and then stomped down the stairs finding Lars exactly where she left him. On the couch, watching t.v. which only outraged her more.

     The short and plump woman stomped her foot just as she slapped the small potted plant off of the side table next to the couch. Her loud groan/screech plus the smashing of the terracotta pot spooked both the large man and Rottweiler that leisured on the brown corduroy couch. 

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