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"Husavik (My Hometown)" -My Marianne

   Their last week in the beautiful country of Sweden was spent driving. 

     First, Lars had shown Anna his family's home city of Norrkoping. Three days were spent where Lars dragged his fiance around the city. 

      They had invested hours in museums and even walked in parks that had prehistoric petroglyphs. Lars recognized a few and was able to reveal what they meant, but the rest they had to research.

     The days spent in Norrkoping were filled with taking photos of each other and the scenery. Occasionally, Lars would push Anna into alleyways or against buildings to kiss her lights out. Always leaving her weak in the knees and cheeks blazing. Anna's favorite part was the rivers, though. 

     Each one was different and always had the most beautiful layout.

     The last few days of their time in Sweden were in the town of Ljungby. The municipality was seen as a market town that retained its rural roots. Anna was able to get all the information from her grandpa Chuck on where the family farm was. 

     She was able to get in contact with the new owners, where they gave both her and Lars a full tour of the land. It was a simple and quiet place to live. Lars would speak in the native tongue whenever he had a question about the land, and each time, Anna had to stop herself from jumping him.

     After exploring the town, the couple drove a little over two hours to Copenhagen, where they would catch a flight to London. Anna was exhausted, all she wanted to do was lie down on a bed and watch a movie with Lars, but he had reminded her of the famous Midge Price, which made her perk up some. 

     A few months back, Anna had called Midge with the hypothetical question, if Lars and Anna were to travel that coming summer, would the couple be able to visit? Midge's answer contained a loud laugh and an invitation to set up camp in her and Captain America's home.

     Lars didn't understand the Captain America joke until his woman reminded him of the Halloween costumes the authors wore the past few years. The picture Lars saw of Laurie as Captain America and Midge as Black Widow resurfaced his mind. 

     Midge and her boy toy, as Anna liked to call him, Laurie, were both writers. Lars didn't know how he was going to survive five days in a large house with three writers, those of who were all from different genres. 

     Which to anyone, not a writer, would not understand how fickle that could be. Anna was mainly on the children's literature side but dabbled in the occasional racy romance. Midge Price wrote heated fictional drama, and as for her beau, Laurence composed novels of surrealism.

     Lars was nervous for there were to be passionate discussions. He had to mentally prepare himself to be seated in the same vicinity as the three authors. Lars only hoped he didn't choke when he wanted to confer his questions and thoughts of Miss Price's American Wine.

      The Viking had finished the book quickly in his free time during the trip. While Anna was showering, sleeping, or even when they sat down in cafes for lunch. The book was attached to his hip.

     It was on the flight from Copenhagen to London when Lars took out his copy of Polaroid, another one of Midge's works. It didn't take the beefcake long to become entranced. Anna at one point in the flight even started to beg for his attention. She was going to bring that up with Midge later, how her books were stealing away her fiance.

     Once the plane landed, it was late at night when the couple got their rental car. Lars drove himself and Anna to a small hotel where they would only be spending the night in. In the early morning, they would venture off to the city of Cornwall. It didn't take much convincing for Lars to get Anna out of the car and up to their room. 

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