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 "Wishin' And Hopin'" -Dusty Springfield

Thanksgiving break was spent at a ski resort in Yosemite. 

    Anna and Lars spent almost every day in their hotel room, except for going down to the lodge for food. Anna loathed snow sports, but when Lars had brought up the resort as a surprise for their honeymoon destination, she couldn't say no to his dopey face, nor the dimple on his left cheek.

     Whenever Lars wanted to get out of bed and go explore the ice-covered mountain, Anna had lured him back into bed with wistful promises, he couldn't say no to her. But it was the day before their departure back home, back to their lives, when Lars had sensed her discomfort with the sport. 

     She had pushed him off, telling him she wouldn't be upset if he took the day to himself. They were on their honeymoon though. He wanted to do everything with her that the resort had to offer.

     It was when they had dressed, put on all the gear, and rented ski's when Anna had cracked, "Please, Lars. I don't mind if you go alone."

     He had stopped dragging her through the snow then, turning around to peer down at her, "Are you scared, Anna? Don't worry, I won't leave you alone and we'll do all the little slopes-"

     "No," she curtly said, quickly regretting her tone, "I'm not scared, I know how to ski. I just..." He waited with a raised brow, he didn't know she knew how to ski, "I hate the sport, Lars. Plain and simple."

     He let go of her hand then, shuffling his feet, "What...why?"

     She groaned, "I'm not trying to take away the fun. I just absolutely hate skiing with a passion. My dad's side of the family is into all this," she waved her hand around the slopes, the piercing winter air, and the people whooshing around them.

      "I love my grandpa, but my god does that man not know how to take a hint," she flipped one of her long braids behind her shoulder. "He would drag me to ski, and I just wanted to sob my heart out," she ended it with a laugh.

      "Oh," he didn't mean it, but the one word he could think of came out saddened.

      Lars didn't want to push her, but their honeymoon was a short one, and all he wanted to do was be with her. She was his wife now, even though he still didn't know what all of that entailed, he wanted to tell her everything, be with her everywhere, but he had to remind himself that she might not feel the same.

     "Please don't be upset, baby," Anna pushed herself closer to him, peering up at him with wide eyes.

     He shook his now shaggy blonde locks, looking down at where her hands were, resting on his chest, giving her a sad smile, "No, I'm not. I just wished I picked a different place for us to spend our honeymoon, like the beach or something."

     At the mention of the beach, Anna squeezed her eyes shut, and her lips thinned, the telltale sign of a grimace, "Let me guess," Lars started, standing straight up, "You don't like the beach either?" Anna was about to explain. 

     How the sand got everywhere, the ocean terrified her, and the obscene amounts of people... She did not like the beach unless it was cloudy and she could walk along the shore, picking up broken shells she found pretty, all in the quiet.

     It was what he said that made her snap her mouth shut and reel back, her hands leaving his chest as if it hurt her, "Do you like anything?" He groaned out.

     The feeling came to her instantly, all the time's people made her feel bad for what she did and didn't like in life. All the time's people had made her feel like shit because she was the one person who didn't want to drink that drink, eat that food, or go to that place. It was such a silly thing, but it hit her hard nonetheless.

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