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"We'll Meet Again" -She & Him

Five Years Later


     Lars could hear the anger simmering through his wife as she yelled for their sons in the backyard. She was livid, Lars heard the shake in her voice so he jumped from his workbench in the garage and jogged to the backyard.

      His wife wore no shoes, a hand towel was thrown over her shoulder, and a light brown maxi dress, stood on the back porch, cradling their newborn daughter with one arm.

     Outback, he found all three of his sons, Kit, Bo, and Teddy running in the grass, butt naked, throwing around a torn-apart book. From the color of it, he knew it was one of Anna's first books she had published all those years ago. 

     It upset her when she watched her sons tear into the book rather than read it to themselves. Granted, their eldest was barely four, chapter books weren't yet in Kit's reading level, but he was an overly intelligent boy.

     "Boys!" Lars placed a hand up in the air toward Anna, giving her a small smile that said he had it handled, "Come on now. You're gonna make Momma lose it."

     The middle child, Bo, ran straight for his father's jean-covered legs. Lars placed a hand down on his dirty blonde head as he gave a stern look to the other two who were catching their breath, "Wanna tell me why y'all are naked runnin' amok in the backyard?"

      "It was Kit's idea, Dad!" Bo yelled a little too loudly.

     Lars raised a brow over at his oldest, "Oh, really? Is that true, Kit?" The four-year-old didn't answer, "You know y'all are makin' Momma crazy." 

    The Viking shook his head before looking over at the torn-up book, "Now, guys. You know Momma worked hard on makin' those for you guys and you go and tear them up. That's not very nice, is it?"

     All three boys shook their blonde heads. Lars had demanded they all went inside, put on some clothes, telling Kit to help his little brothers get dressed, and then go apologize to their poor mother. 

     Lars walked behind the boys as they ran into the house, doing as told. The beefy Swed found his wife in the kitchen on the verge of tears as she was cooking the ground beef that went with dinner, the baby sleeping in the roll-away bassinet.

     Lars brought her into a side hug, kissing her head. She continued to push around the meat on the pan as a sniffle left her, "They don't mean it, baby. They're only little boys."

     Anna nodded, "I know. But it still hurts my feelings."

     Lars let out a sigh when he heard the boys yelling up the stairs, "How's my little Abby?" He cooed, reaching around to look inside.

     Anna groaned slightly, "She finally went down."

     "How about you go relax on the couch, and I'll finish up," Anna only nodded before doing as told, trudging her way to the living room where Darcy was already sitting, taking Abby with her.

     The house phone rang a little later, Anna had hollered from the living room, saying she would get it. On the phone was her little sister, Nicole, who was to arrive the next day for Thanksgiving with her girlfriend.

      Anna had also invited her aunt, uncle, and cousins. 

     She even went as far as to invite her little brothers. She didn't receive a response from either boy but sent plane tickets to them anyways.

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