Chapter 29 - boredom

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"Since we're all going to be studying together for the next year, I'd say that we should become comfortable with each other."

Anastasia dug into her food as the others held polite conversation between themselves. She noticed the looks of disdain from the noble women at the banquet, judging her for her food choices. In order to keep their appearances, women in Ainsworth typically only have vegan meals in public, limiting themselves to eating only half a portion in public. Anastasia, however, as a woman raised in Kou, freely ate as she pleased, keeping her elegant and polite mannerisms.

"Look at what she's eating!"

"How could she eat that- she's a woman not a man!"

"She was also rumoured to be working in Kou- look how terrible she is! Taking credit for another man's work!"

"Right? Noble women don't work- that's just common sense."

"She should just sit back and find a husband- I heard she doesn't even have a fiancé."

Anastasia clenched her teeth, resisting the urge to turn around and yell at them, educating them on how women in Kou had the rights to do as they wished, and they should be able to do so here too- all without being judged.

'The chicken tastes good- who do they think I am to skip out on this.'

Conversation went on and she had noticed the way William frequently tried to bring the subject back to her actions before leaving Ainsworth. She easily ended the subject or stealthily ignored him, directing questions towards others that would lead into longer conversations. The others were mildly amused by her swift thinking and the way she dismissed his words without getting upset.

Her eyes wandered around as the conversation turned to an introduction to the Ainsworth's Royal Academy's education system and lesson plans. She noticed that from her former family, only her past brother was present at the banquet. The duke, duchess and their youngest child were not on the premises- strange considering they were trusted family friends of the royals family.

She couldn't lie, she wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing them again. But Anastasia did want to show them herself. To show them how she had grown and become a better version of herself. To show them the potential she had, the potential that they had missed and she had learnt of when she had regained her memories. She had taught this body of herself to play a variety of instruments and dance a million dances, singing too many songs, all while teaching others. She had become someone she was proud to be, and she wanted to show them what they had missed.

She dropped out of the blank stare she was giving her glass, going back to eating her food as the others conversed and she occasionally popped up with mild questions or remarks.

'What a bore...'


A short chapter- this is basically the bit that I cut off from the last chapter since it got too long. I sort of didn't realise the bit was too short so I had to use the power of waffling from my English classes😌🤝

Next chapter updating sooner than usual hopefully!

(republished chapter 27 because I forgot to add a song I'm sorry I didn't notice! )

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