Chapter 11

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It always makes me happy to see people voting still who have been voting since the very beginning of Ripper's story and now this one. Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate you all.

Also I'm doing an early, double update because I'm not sure if I'll be able to update next week but I'll try.
Alpha's POV
I sighed as Hacker peeked back inside of my office with a nervous look on his face. After giving him a nod, he looked behind him and opened the door fully and entered with Ripper behind him.

"What's this about Alpha?"

"Take a seat Ripper," I ordered. Both Ripper and Hacker sat down in the seats across from my desk. Without saying anything I slid the computer over to Ripper, the security footage that Hacker and I watched originally waiting to be played.

The whole time the video was playing I was watching Ripper closely. When the identity of the woman was revealed, Ripper's expression morphed into one of confusion.

"That's... that's..."

"Your mother," I finished quietly. He looked up at me and I almost flinched at the amount of pain that I could see resurfacing in his eyes.

"How?" He whispered.

"There's more," I sighed. I handed the folder over to him and he took it slowly. His expression was blank as he read through all of the information.

"How long have you two known about this?" He asked slowly.

"Only since yesterday. Hacker showed me the footage as soon as he saw it and we wanted to wait until we knew what their moves were before telling you. After getting that information in the folder we knew that you needed to know now." I explained. He nodded and just sat in silence for a few moments.

"She hasn't been in my life for years. She gave up her rights to me as my mother years ago. And judging by the text records she knew that I was in this MC with Spider. And now she knows that Scarlett is here. How do they even know that Scarlett is here?" He asked. I could see the turmoil swirling in his eyes and knew that it was only a matter of time before he broke down.

"We don't know. We're trying to find that information out. We can't rule out the possibility that they have been able to hack into Scarlett's phone, but we also can't rule out the possibility of there being another rat in the club. While both of those choices makes me very uneasy, we can use that to our advantage. We can get Scarlett a new phone, but keep her old one and continue to use it as if she still had it. We could use that as bait and get her parents and her ex somewhere where we want them. As for the day we can give the non patched members different information that what we give the patched, trusted members of the club so in case there is a rat, they aren't getting the right information."

Hacker and Ripper both sat there and let that information sink in for a few minutes.

I had already thought deeply about the phone thing. Matter of fact, I was supposed to pick up a new phone for her tomorrow as a surprise. Of course under these circumstances the reasoning isn't the best but hey, she gets a new phone out of it.

As for the rat information that's another thing I've thought about even though I don't want to. I know it's not Raine again considering she's still chained up in the shed.

So if there is another rat I will go on a hunt. The club members that I know can be trusted will stay and the others I will either keep on a short leash or I will just let them go altogether.

I don't think I could deal with another betrayal.

Ripper nodded, still allowing what I said to sink in.

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