Part 27: Planning

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John and Seraphina were sitting on the bench, having their serious talk about friendship and whatsoever. But to Remi, this wasn't very important. 

She could only think about Blyke. 

Ugh. I'm sitting here hiding in a bush when Blyke could be getting killed or whatsoever.

She took out her phone and turned the sound on low. Then, she tried calling Blyke one last time.

Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice mes-

She resisted the urge to slam her phone into the sidewalk and just ended the call. She really hoped that those two would end the convo soon. 

John: Thanks Sera... see you around! 

Seraphina nodded back at him, and they parted. Remi looked up at John to see if their convo had gone well. He looked at Remi with a huge grin on his face. 

John: I've never been more relieved in my life. And although you didn't do too much... thanks Remi.

Remi nodded impatiently. 

Remi: Can you also help me with this?

John: Help you with what?

Remi: Blyke's been captured. I'm sure of it. He wouldn't stay away so long!

John raised his hands to stop Remi.

John: Why would he be captured? Isn't he an elite? He should be strong enough to keep himself safe. Usually. 

Remi didn't want to confess that they were meddling in something dangerous. But she didn't see another way out. 

Remi: We've... I think I found EMBER.

Remi had expected John to gasp maybe, or even scold her. But she didn't expect him to laugh.

John: How do you know if they're EMBER anyway? Are you sure?

Remi huffed. John was being difficult. Did he not trust her on this?

Remi: I'm very sure. Their ability matches the wounds they inflicted. 

John: So what are you implying for me to do? Fight EMBER myself and destroy them? 

Remi: We have to be more subtle about that. Mostly, I think that Blyke had tried to chase Volcan but got ambushed.

John: Who the heck is Volcan now? Some other EMBER person?

Remi nodded. To be truthful, John didn't believe her a single bit. But seeing how passionate Remi was, he decided to give her a chance. Out of all the royals, she was the one that he was least angry at. Acually... he didn't feel very angry anymore now that Arlo and himself had resolved it a bit. Even if Arlo hadn't directly apologized, he weirdly felt like Arlo really did regret his actions.

John: So what do you want me to do?

Remi: I want you to back me up when I'm fighting Volcan. When it looks like I'm starting to lose pretty bad, come in and immobilize. We're going to question her a bit afterward.

John: You sure she's going to come?

Remi: Erm...

John: You haven't really thought this out well haven't you?

Remi had to admit she hadn't. She had looked for assistance as soon as she came to the conclusion that Blyke was not coming back anytime soon. 

John: Here's my plan. I get some abilities to copy, maybe your's and Arlo's, then I go beast mode. 

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