Part 32

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John slipped his arm into a leather jacket, breathing heavily. He was scared, scared that he could die. It seemed like an impossible choice, seeing his strength in his ability. But if he didn't have his ability... 

That wasn't going to happen. He was going to make sure that it never happened. He had two high tiers by his side. John was not going to lose to anyone ever - especially not EMBER.

He sat down on the metro train with Arlo and Remi, heading for the place Claire had supposedly said they were trapped. He convinced himself that he wasn't helping Claire at all. He was going to merely get rid of EMBER. That was it. 

During the meantime, Arlo stared at John's foot, which was tapping every second. Arlo wasn't sure if John was just nervous or trying to annoy everyone again, but decided it would have to be the first as he himself was just as anxious. If someone had the power to defeat every single one of those superheros, they were going to be stronger than Remi for sure, and maybe even himself. He had to believe that John was stronger than EMBER at least, for he was the only hope they had.

The metro stopped abruptly, jerking Arlo violently. Then everything stopped. Remi got up right away, then grimaced.

Remi: Here we are.


Blyke, still trapped, was looking around for just the right moment to escape. But it turned out Volcan was not going to give him any chances. She was patrolling almost constantly these days. And one day, she hauled out a crate filled with black orbs. 

Volcan: Do you have the slightest idea of what these are?

Blyke didn't know. They didn't look like much - they just seemed like black spheres.

Volcan: These are bombs. Bombs that I won't hesitate to throw at a runaway child like you. I've programmed them to become activated only when I throw them. 

Blyke: How did you program them to do so?

Volcan snorted. 

Volcan: Maybe I lied. it's programmed to only activate by blood. It doesn't really matter who's blood. But it reactes to my blood better. It'll activate when I tell it to. Otherwise... it'll just blow up after a few seconds or so. 

She then turned around in an instant, glaring at Blyke with such a stare that he felt shivers run up him from his toes.

Volcan: I wonder why I'm telling you this. 

She then placed the crate down and walked to Blyke's cell.

Volcan: Should I just... kill you right now?

Her eyes glinted, and using her fiery hands, she melted the lock off and stepped inside the secluded room. Blyke couldn't move nor active his ability. Not that it would have had any effect. If he was going to die, he would rather die quickly. He shut his eyes, awaiting impact.

Volcan's phone in her pocket rang, and she stopped, her fire inches away from Blyke's neck. He could feel the heat licking him. Then, cool air touched the hot skin, making Blyke open his eyes in confusion. Volcan stared at not him, but her phone. Then, she turned it outward to show the photo to Blyke.

Remi stood there, walking out of Woaba Boba. He looked up at Volcan in horror.

Blyke: Don't you dare attack her. Kill me, torture me, but don't do anything with her.

Volcan: Oh, I won't kill her yet. But the thing is... the girl who took this photo said she questioned her. And she's working under me. She has a bit too many answers. So I the next time I see her, I will kill her.

Volcan's fingernail tapped Blyke's forehead, taunting him. 

Volcan: I'm not killing you either. I want to see you suffer.

Volcan walked out of the room, searing the door shut with her hands once more. Through her earpiece she had just gotten news that there was a gang of children coming near the place - and they didn't look innocent. One of them looked exactly like the pink haired girl.


John: Do you know where we're going Remi?

Remi glared at him, but John wasn't intimidated at all. He was just trying to cheer everyone up. Arlo was solemn, Remi was frantic, and John... well he was just as nervous as they were. 

He saw an aura behind a building and stopped. By the looks of it, they were at least an elite. Arlo and Remi, who had caught on, activated their abilities. John activated his own, analyzing the man. The ability... it was related to teleportation of some sort. He had to be caref-

Arlo: Look out!

The guy was already behind them with a syringe in hand. The liquid in the shot also had an aura. And the aura didn't look good. It was deadly. It had an aura stronger than Arlo's, the strongest aura John had ever seen.

The liquid had an overwhelming aura of 10, being undefeatable. He couldn't beat it if that liquid entered his bloodstream. He had to evade it.

Luckily, the guy holding the syringe it self wasn't very strong. Copying the guy's ability, he knocked the syringe out of the guy's hand instantly, and grabbing the thing, the stabbed the guy in the arm. The squeal that he made was laughable. John wanted to hit him again and again. The guy was here, trying to rid him of his ability and destroy him. He could only think of hitting him when Arlo stopped him.

Arlo: We don't have time. Please John, lets go.

John's hand shivered, then dropped the syringe on the ground which cracked. There was no liquid in it now, as he had injected it all into the guy. He deserved having no ability. He was trash. Trash trash trash. He wanted to send him to the hospital like he did to so many others.

But for the first time, he let someone go.

They had a few more interactions, the people attacking them getting stronger and stronger till John reckoned they were god tiers. But they still didn't come close to John's ability level. Right now, Arlo was a 6.7 and Remi a 6.0. He didn't know what his own ability level was, but they three were all god tiers. Pretty much no one would be able to touch them.

Remi: We're here.

The place did look normal. There were a few people walking around, and it just seemed like a normal company building. But it wasn't a normal building - Blyke was in there with EMBER.

Volcan started to hurry around. Blyke watched her with confusion. 

Volcan: How did they get through... they're stronger than I thought.

Who was they?

Volcan: Get the guards to all come over here. Call some of our people too - these children are serious. 

What children?

Blyke heard a crash from somewhere far away. He heard screams and yells of some frantic people. 

"Hey pinkie, go check over there!"

"Stop destroying things and search! Did you forget our int- ack!"

Blyke recognized those voices. The same voice that had turned off his attempts to become friends and the same voice that teased him endlessly every day. 

Remi and John were here. To save him or for some other reason, but they were here.

Maybe he would come out alive.


Today I'm going to rewrite a bit of this story :D

Ik that no one reads this trash but :D


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