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I decided to order Taco Bell for dinner. I asked my siblings what they wanted and they told me. I asked Nessa and Quinton as well and they also told me. I prefer the food on my phone and it told me it would be here in about 30 minutes so I took my cover up off and got into the pool. I played with my sibling. After a while Sawyer challenged me to a basketball game. We got out of the pool and began playing. He was winning at first but than I went all out on him and beat him. He claimed I cheated and I just laughed. Lorelei wanted to play as well as lil josh so we all played a group game of basketball. Josh helped lil josh and it was the cutest thing ever. We played for fun for a while and got tired. My siblings went back into the pool. They played for a little and I decided I wanted to tan. I was about to fall asleep when the door bell rang. I got up and grabbed my wallet and headed to the door. I opened it and paid the Postmates guy and walked back to the pool with the food. Everybody came running grabbing their order. I grabbed my chalupa box and sipped on my Baja blast freeze. I sat back down and was on TikTok on my phone when the doorbell rang. I thought maybe they forgot something in the order so I got up and put my cover up on and made my way inside my house. I walked up to the door and opened it and saw none other than Bryce Hall.

Bryce- Uh Hi.
Brinley- What are you doing here.
Bryce- Your siblings invited me remember.
Brinley- I thought you had plans with Miss Perfect.
Bryce- Brin-
Brinley- Just come in.

A smile grew on his face and he walked in. He followed me to the backyard. When my siblings saw him they yelled his name and ran over to him. I went and sat next to Quinton. He put his arm over me and I laid my head on his shoulder. Bryce got in the pool and played with my siblings. I smiled as I watched him. He has always been good with my siblings. They loved him and he lived them. I was getting late so I got up and told everybody we should go inside. Quinton said he had to go home and so did Nessa. I said my goodbyes and went to my room. I changed I to Pjs and walked downstairs. I went into the theatre where my siblings were and grabbed a bunch of pillows and blankets. I laid them down and made a bed for my siblings. They went on the blanket bed and laid down. They said they wanted to watch bedtime stories. I put it on and went and sat on a stool. Bryce was on the reclining chair and Sawyer was on the other. Bryce saw I was sitting on the stool and he patted a spot by him. I shook my head no at first but than gave in. I went and I sat next to him. I laid my head on his chest and he pulled me close to him. After a while my siblings were asleep. I looked up and saw Bryce had fallen asleep as well. I smiled and played with his hair. It reminded me of when he used to sleep over all of the time being my best friend and all. I got a little sad and sighed. I waited for the movie to finish and turned the screen off. I looked at Bryce and kissed his cheek and said something to him thinking he was asleep

Brinley- Bryce hall when are you going to realize that I'm madly in love with you. I know you can't hear me which is why I'm being cheesy but I really do love your clueless self.

I smiled and laid my head down on his chest. I closed my eyes and snuggled into him. A few second later I was fast asleep.

Bryce's POV

After a little while her siblings fell asleep. I saw her checking to see if they were asleep. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep to see how she would react. She laid her head on my shoulder and played with my hair. After a few minutes she sighed and turned the screen off. I felt her kiss my cheek and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. I was about to fall asleep for real when she started taking.

Brinley-Bryce hall when are you going to realize that I'm madly in love with you. I know you me asleep and can't hear me which is why I'm being cheesy but I really do love your clueless self.

She laid her head down and my chest and snuggled into me. Before I knew it she was passed out. I was completely taken off guard. She just said she loved me. You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear those words come out of her mouth. I have lived her since I laid eyed on her. I was only dating Addison because I knew she didn't feel the same way. I guess she did. All these years she loved me just like I loved her.

Bryce- Brinley storms I love you more than you can imagine.

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