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I decided to walk over to the hype house. I started walking and when I got there I unlocked the door because I have a key to get in. I unlocked the door and heard laughing from the kitchen so I walked up there. When I got up there I walked into the area. Ryland looked up and saw me. He ran over and hugged me. I just started breaking down in his arms. He just rubbed my back as I cried. I eventually stopped crying.

Ryland- Why are you crying and why are you soaking wet!
Brinley- Q cheated on me so I ran home and I forgot my keys in Josh's car so I sat on the steps hoping Riley would come home and it started raining so I ran here.
Ryland- I'm so sorry sis I hate seeing you broken like this.
Mia- Lets get you into some dry clothes.
Brinley- Yeah.

I went with Mia and she gave me some things that I can wear. I laughed as she handed me a hype house hoodie and a lilhuddy shirt and Nicks merch sweatpants. I put them on and walked out of her closet. She wasn't in the room so I figured she was back with all of them. When I got out there Nick came over and hugged me. Nick was my favorite hype house member besides my brother.

Nick- Your personal teddy bear is here to save the day.

We all laughed and than we went up to the pool. I saw Patrick and Calvin making a TikTok and I just laughed as they did the dance. I went over to chase who was on live. I went behind him and hugged him. He moved over and I sat by him.

Brinley- Hey people.
Chase- Hey cutie.
Brinley- Sup chopstick.
User1- Are they dating?
User2- I ship.
User3- I think she is cheating on Ryland with Chase.
Brinley- Uhhhh user1 Chase and I aren't dating he Is my bestie. User2 um don't ship us please it's weird. User3 (she bursts out laughing) Ryland is my BROTHER! And I'm not dating chase nor am I dating my brother!!!! Bahahahaha.
Chase-Well that took a turn..... lmao.
Brinley- Haha I'm going to go hang with nick bye bestie!
Chase- Byeeeeee

I got up and hugged him. He hugged me back and I walked off. I walked to the living room where everybody was now and I saw him hold his arms out to me. I walked over and sat in his lap and snuggled up to him. Everybody made funny stories to make me laugh. Nick was hugging me when I heard a familiar voice. Tears started forming in my eyes.

Quinton- Brinley! There you are! We need to talk.
Ryland- I think you should go bud.
Quinton- Brin please I just want to talk.
Chase- She doesn't want to now leave.

They all started arguing as I held on tight to Nick. He hugged me and Quinton made some weird comment about how I was dating nick and I just scoffed and continued to cry. They finally got him to leave and I just sat on the couch by myself tears streaming down my face. It has been 2 hours and I won't talk to anybody. I heard people whispering. I than heard the voice that I was longing to hear.

Bryce- Where is she?
Nick- Sitting in the couch.
Bryce- I'm going to go talk to her.
Chase- If we cant get her to talk that you definitely can't.
Bryce- Whats that supposed to mean!
Nick- You ignored her for weeks soon weeks for that girlfriend of your.
Bryce- Ex-girlfriend and I can get her to talk.

I saw him make his way over to me. I started crying even more. He knelt down in front of me and softly wiped the tears off my face. He opened his arms and I fell into them completely breaking down. I held onto him as tight as I could. He rubbed my back and assured me it would be ok. I eventually fell asleep in his arms. I felt him pick me up and people talking to him. I woke up as he set me down in the car. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand and hugged him.

Brinley- Bryce. (I said in a tired voice)
Bryce- Yeah.
Brinley- I love you. (I said while closing my eyes and falling back asleep)
Bryce- I love you too. (He said in a whisper and than kissed the top of my head)

I felt him get in the car and drive us to a house. I assumed we were there because I felt him pick me up  bridal style and walk into a house. He held me tight as we walked up stairs. Warmth filled my body as he laid me in a bed and covered me with blankets. I heard him starting to walk away so with the last bit of voice I had I spoke.

Brinley- Bryce will you lay with me?
Bryce- Yeah I will.

I felt him lay down next to me. Once he was under the covers he pulled me into him. I cuddled up to him as I buried my head in his chest. He played with me hair as I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep leaving me with just me and my mind to think about things. Who knows how this was gonna go.

𝕭𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ