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Sapnap - Zombody help 

This chapter might be triggering for some people, so if blood, gore, mentions of committing suicide, zombie-stuff and such trigger you, please skip this oneshot! 

Had you known this would be happening when they said to evacuate the cities, you would've stayed home and called Nick. Maybe then you wouldn't be alone now. Had you known that this would be your daily day now, you would've chosen to opt out the second you were born. Maybe then you wouldn't be alone now. Had you known that blood would be a part of your day, no matter what, you would've tried getting better at handling blood before. Maybe then you wouldn't be alone now.

Or maybe you would've been alone no matter what. Maybe this was your fate.

Walking down the empty roads that seemingly taunted you, nearly dragging your feet behind you. Weapons was attached to every single inch of your body, that somehow both dragged you down but also carried you through the tough days of loneliness and boredom.

This new world had really done a trick on you. The other day when you had accidently looked in a mirror, you thought for a second that it was a poster of some psychopathic escaper from the closed department on the psychiatric hospital. Your eyes looked like the ones of a trapped animal from the zoo, screaming for somebody to help and save you from the dangerous parts of yourself, scare off the demons that lurked behind you, whispering in your ears what to do and how to act.

Yet your face remained stone cold but with the smirk of a lunatic. Your hair that was controlled slightly with a white bandana, his white bandana, was wild and untameable like the sea; your hairbrush broke trying to fix it.

Your knuckles were covered in blood after you had bashed in one of their heads in with your bare fist. But the black gloves that despite all didn't cover your fingers, hid the worst of it.

It wasn't like there was some sort of luxurious shower you could take somewhere.

Zombies had ruined that for everybody. Everybody left alive, at least.

The population had decreased in just the matter of days, and suddenly, the virus had wiped almost half of all people remaining in the world. They had all dropped like flies around you, everybody you were familiar with. Your neighbor and her two kids, your mom, dad, siblings, your family dog, your friends from school.

And you could only pray that your boyfriend got out of the chaos in the city okay... And that he was still alive.

Finding him was the only thing keeping you going right about now. The fresh yet faded memory of his face was the lock in your finger that prevented you from pulling the trigger on the gun that many times had been pointed at your head while you were sitting there, weeping, hopeless, and just wanting to disappear.

You couldn't, you physically couldn't get yourself to press the trigger and vaporize from the world, because you couldn't help but have a feeling that he was still out there. And that he wasn't alone like you.

The stone-cold smirk on your face masked the worries of his well-being from every person you had met and passed by, and every zombie you had killed without as much as flinching even just the tiniest bit.

Your problem with blood had been dealt with a long time ago. Now, it was just as easy to look at like a dog walking down the streets before all of the chaos and destruction broke out.

People you had met had all thought of you as a badass, or the girl version of "Ten Thousand" or "10K," whoever that was. With your fast reflexed and the fact that you always had a weapon in your hand, whether that be the bat with nails on it you had found by a The Walking Dead convention, one of your may knifes or your gun, you always had something in your hands to keep you occupied with.

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